Chapter 3 where are you?

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I will remember this day the rest of my life. I came home on a nice day, but that was about to change. I saw my other brother John packing a suitcase and he was only seventeen. He isn't eighteen he can't move out. " where are you going John?" " leave me alone." "  No you tell me where your going!!" Faith I don't want you to know!"  "Fine I'll ask mom!" So I went to ask mom and she said " John is packing his bags , because he's going to grandmas. " it's honestly no big deal baby." Okay I was just wondering, because you know people just don't pack up  and just leave their family."it's okay he's just spend the night for a while." I walked pack to my room and watched you tube for along time. Then I finally just went to bed and started sobbing. I eventually cried myself asleep.

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