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Dalayah pov 

I get a text from my mom at 8am, therefore I read it cause something could be wrong

Mom☺️:hi sweetie I have a surprise for you at home and bring your friends too

Layah👑:ok but is everything okay you texted me really early

Mom☺️:yeah just a surprise 

Noah pov

I was kinda sorta reading over layahs shoulder but Idk what the surprise is so I tell squad and then dalayah says "my mom wants us to go over my house she said its a surprise" Ben replied "ooo is it food or something" "Idk  Ben its a surprise and food does sound good👀" I say I forgot I was sitting/laying on malak so when I turned a little he groaned and I look down at him and say "sorry" "it's cool bae don't be sorry" I blush and stand up and yell IM MAKING FOOD then everyone perks up but I tell them "do y'all hygiene and get dressed b4 you can eat" they all say ok 

40 mins later 

Everyone is downstairs looking great asf so I Pass out breakfast :grits eggs pancakes bacon then I go upstairs to change since I alread did meh hygiene I put on a black crop top that says "bish whet" with bleached jeans that have rips up and downs and a beanie that says "bish whet" and I put on my timberlands and grab my case I also got from Toni romiti that says "bish whet" then I walk downstairs And malak turns his head hella fast and says "you look gorgeous asf" and licks his lips I say "thanks y'all don't look to bad at all" then I grap some bacon and eat then I ask if everyone done and they nod we get our hover boards and go to my house And I stop almost crashing into Nadia when I see bens dads car and Ben almost crashed into me so I pick up my hover board and walk in and my mom opens the door I kiss her and ask  why Ben dad here 

Ben Pov

Dalayah asks why my dad is here and I say yeah he should be at work and she grins and I look at dalayah with a blank expression and she says "it's all apart of your suprise"

 What's the surprise 

Why is his dad there 

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