Wolf and a Mask (Eyeless Jack Romance)

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I gripped my shoulder tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. Blood streamed out of the bullet hole and down my bare arms, despite my efforts. Hazel ears that were placed upon my brown, long hair lied flat against my head as I ran through the trees, traveling deeper into the unknown. I could still hear the villagers shouting behind me. How could I have been so stupid? I scolded myself. Humans would never accept me. I should have just stayed away. 

"This way!" A male voice yelled from behind. My tail swayed violently as I ran, trying to loose them. Everyone was the same. Cruel, and accepting. You're not like them. You're not human. I urged on forwards, twigs scarping and cutting against my bare feet. My piercing green eyes scanned around, searching for some where to hide. 

My heart crashed around in my chest, and it felt as though I would collapse at any moment. The pain in my arm was forgotten as the villagers drew closer to me. I whimpered as I quickly lost hope. "Please god, help me.." I whispered. He won't help you. A voice in my mind spoke. Why would he help a half- wolf? 

I traveled onward, my body slowly becoming heavier by the second. My knees length brown hair whipped around me, covering most of my bare tan skin. I could remember perfectly how this all happened.

I wandered beyond the trees and examined the village under the moonlight. The houses were small, mainly just wood. The dirt roads winded ahead, and connected the many different paths. No one was awake, as it was dead in the middle of the night. There was no sound except for the faint chirp of crickets. I walked down the dirt road. The rocks would have hurt my feet if I hadn't been barefoot all my life. A breeze floated by, giving my bare skin a small shiver. My hair covered most of my body, given the fact that I couldn't wear clothes. My tail rested above at the end of my back as I looked around. All was peaceful until someone from behind murmured, "Miss?" I turned around, looking behind me, shocked that someone was still awake. Almost immediately her concerned glare faded away and was replaced by horror. "W-witch!" She screamed, pointing out a shaking finger at me. 

"N-no!" I said, taking a step towards her. She backed away out of horror. "P-please! I'm not going to hurt yo-"

"WITCH! SOMEONE HELP ME!" She repeated, falling backwards onto the ground. The village slowly came alive and loud bells began to sound. I turned and faced the village, the woman behind me still shouting. My eyes widened as villagers spilled out of their homes, holding guns and knives. 

"Get her! Get the witch!" A woman shouted from the crowd. 

"No! I'm not a witch!" I cried out, but it was no use. They began chasing me down, shooting their guns like wild fire. I cried out and whimpered as a bullet came streaming into my left shoulder, sending a shooting pain and down my arm. 

I ran into the trees, passing the cowering woman still lying on the ground out of fear. I looked at her with pleading eyes as I passed, but she covered her face with her shaking arms. Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes as I fled the village, knowing they were still following me.

So here I was, running for my life. I've always been rejected by all humans because of my wolf ears and tail. I don't even know how I got like this. My mother and father left me when I was born thinking I was a curse. How ever, my mother didn't have to heart to kill me, so she just left me out for the wilderness. I was taken in by a mother wolf with pups, mistaking me for one of her own. I was raised by wolves, literally. I know how to speak human, and can communicate with wolves just as easy. The reason I'm alone now is because I got lost hunting with my older brother. We ended up getting separated, and I stumbled upon this village. 

I cantered right, turning sharp in hopes of them loosing my track. I darted behind a rather large oak tree, and pressed my back against it, trying to make myself as invisible as possible. Thankfully, it worked. They passed by, shouting and pointing their hand guns out blindly. I sighed when the last of them passed, and turned, fleeing in the opposite direction in which they came from.

My hope began rising again when the sound of their foot steps and angry shouts became farther away. Then, just as soon as hope began to arrive, it drained away as I skidded to halt. I front of me stood a boy, about ten or eleven, holding out a grey hand gun pointed straight at me. "P-please..." I begged. "Please, help m-"

"Witch." He spat angrily before pulling the trigger. The bullet buried itself into my stomach and I fell backwards onto the leaves and soil. Blood spilled from my gut and there was a sudden wave of pain in my shoulder and waist. The young boy's cold eyes glared into mine, before he turned and walked away, like nothing ever happened. 

The corner of my eyes slowly began to fade away and my breaths became short and ragged. I'm going to die. How could that boy, that child, have been so ruthless? Is this humanity? Just as all sound and sight began to die away, I saw movement. A male came to my side, kneeling at my body, and cocking his head to one side. Through blurry vision and distorted sound, I watched as he sat there, watching me, as though he didn't know what to do. With a chocked gulp of air, the earth faded, and I collapsed into darkness. 

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