Chapter 7

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Luna's P.O.V.

I entered the kitchen with Jack. Everyone was at the table. Slender Man sat all the way at the end. Jeff was sitting on his left. Next to him was Sally. To Slender Man's right sat Ben, who was in what seemed to be a staring contest with Sally. Next to Ben was BOB, and the rake. Next to Sally was Lost Silver. Hoody and Masky were sitting next to each other near the Rake. Smile Dog and Tails Doll were sitting on the floor. Why was Tails down there?

There were two empty seats at the end of the table, across from Slender Man. We took our seats next to one another. Slender served our food. The sweet scent made me almost drool. I was about to reach for it, when I noticed something silver next to the plate. It looked like a pitch fork and knife. I held it in my hands, eyeing it.

"Its a fork." Jeff laughed. I raised a brow, looking at him and cocking my had. "You've never used one?" I shook my head. "Oh yeah... You're used to using your hands. Jack teach her to use a fork."

He took the fork and grabbed my right hand. He placed gently in my hand, wrapping my fingers around it. "Hold it like this." He said. He let my hand go and I held it there. He grabbed his own fork and then grabbed his knife. "Now take this." I grabbed my knife and held in, mimicking him. He stabbed the steak with his fork and cut away a chunk with his knife, the fork holding it in place. I copied him, gently cutting away the cooked meat. "Now just bite it off." He said. I put the fork to my lips and took the piece of meat off and into my mouth. My whole body became relaxed when the amazing taste met my mouth. I didn't realize everyone had their eyes on me, and I blushed and when I looked up. 

"Do you like using forks?" Slender Man asked. 

"Yeah." I nodded. "It's a lot let messier than using my hands." There was a few light laughs and everyone looked down at their meals and began eating. The sound of metal could be heard scraping against plaster. I looked down at my plate and silver ware, trying to master holding it. The delightful tastes danced on my taste buds.

"Wow Luna," A voice said. I looked up at Jeff, who was staring in awe at my plate. "You must have been really hungry!" He exclaimed. I looked down at my plate, not realizing that I had eaten mostly all of my food in the short time. 

"Yeah... This was the first meal in a few days, actually." I informed with a weak smile. 

"Oh..." Was all he said before continuing to eat his food once again.

"Well in that case," Slender said. "Would you like some more?" He asked.

"Um... no.. no thank you." I stammered.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm sure."

"Well, if you change your mind I'll be happy to give you more."

"Thank you."

Everyone continued to eat. Jack even offered me some of his won food, but I refused. 

"So Jeff," Ben started. "You still up for video games tonight?" He asked.

"Heck Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" Jeff said enthusiastically.

"Don't know." Ben shrugged. He smirked and looked up at Jeff. "Thought maybe you would chicken out." 

"Is that a challenge?!" Jeff spat.

"Guess it is." Ben laughed. They traded a few more cocky words until Sally interrupted.

"You guys better keep it down tonight, I bet Luna probably wants to get some sleep tonight." She said, nodding towards me.

"A-actually no, not really." I said. "I slept for a while... longer than I had in a long time, so I'm actually fully rested." 

"Do you wanna play with us?" Ben asked, looking over to me.

"N-no... I don't even know what a video game is, so I think I'll just watch for now..." I said, not wanting to get involved. They both nodded and went back to sending each other sentences on how they were going to beat each other.


Everyone finished their meals and headed off to do their own thing. Me, Jack, Jeff, and Ben all went into the living room. It was pretty late, so many of the Creepy Pasta's had gone to bed. Jeff and Ben were playing some of game where you play as people in a different world have to fight for their lives against non-existent creatures though little hand-held tools. 

Suddenly the screen went black and there was a little character with two zeros next to it. "Ha! I win!" Jeff cheered, standing up and throwing his fist in the air. 

"We still have five more rounds!" Ben shouted, grabbing Jeff''s hoody and pulling him back to the ground. They continued playing, saying little to each other.

"How long do they usually play this?" I asked quietly to Jack. 

He shrugged. "Until they get bored I guess. They do this almost every night and no one usually stays up late enough to watch them finish."

I chuckled. Why were they so dedicated to this... was it called a game? There was a sudden wave or tiredness in me, making me calm my body and fall into the couch. 

I leaned back, lolling my head to the side. It hit something hard and I sat straight up. I had accidentally put my head on Jack's shoulder. "S-sorry." I mumbled, looking away and hoping he woulnd't notice the horrid blush that had formed on my face.

"I-its okay. Y-you can if you w-want too..." He replied, much to my surprise. I leaned back again, cautiously  placing my head on his shoulder. I felt my body becoming lighter, I took in a deep breath and shut my eyes. The sound faded away around me and I felt like I was floating. I slowly drifted away into sleep, despite how long I had already slept when Jack saved me.

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