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  • Dedicated to Raven and the Rainbow Cow <3

Feel free to coment, I would love the feed back!

 Chapter 1

She looked back and saw blood, her blood streaking among the sand as she ran.  It was night, but she could still make out the faces behind her of the people she didn’t know.  As she ran more shells cut into her bare, stinging feet.  She needed to scream, she thought, but found herself lacking the strength. 

A gentle wind blew her hair back, dried her mouth, and filled her lungs with the scent of water.  She cut across the beach to the ocean and started running in the water line.  The cold salt water stung her feet, but cleared her mind.  She drew power from the strong water.  Those people were so close to her, even though she had gotten a head start.

Stop, she told herself, use it, your power, your gift.  Use it to protect yourself, something in her mind told her.

My head snapped up at that point, and the blurry picture of the dream floated away, but the memories from the dream still stayed.  I couldn’t remember who the girl was or who she was running from.  Just a weird dream; it was nothing, I told myself.

*                 *                 *

I felt eyes looking at me. I looked up from the bag I was sewing, and glanced around the room to meet the eyes.

“Aurora,” called my teacher, “you’re needed in the office.” I got up from the sewing machine and gathered my books, glad for a distraction to leave class.  My mind was wandering today and I had a bad feeling, though I didn’t know why. My stomach twisted in tight knots. 

There were thirty more minutes until school got out. I wonder what this could be about, I thought, as I walked down the steps to the office and opened the doors.

“Hi,” I said, a bit hesitantly, “I was called down to the office. I’m Aurora Teagarden.”

The secretary looked up from her desk, led me to the principal’s office, and opened the door.  I glanced around and saw a man I didn’t recognize sitting in a chair.  He had on a nice tie and a freshly washed and pressed suit.  He looked like he was in his early twenties. He had short, brown, straight hair and light green eyes. I thought to myself, this looks bad.

“Hello,” the man said.  He motioned for me to sit in front of him.  “I‘m Mr. Clark from Child Services and I’ve come to share some news with you.”  His voice sounded gentle and full of sorrow.

Great, I thought, this is going to be long and painful. Just get it over with.

“The police have informed me that your adopted parents… well... they were in the car going out to eat this morning, and, they got in an accident.”  Time seemed to freeze.  It was as if someone had just hit the pause button.  This was not what I was expecting at all.

“Are-are they ok,” I asked.  My whole body was frozen, anxiously awaiting the answer.

“The doctors at the hospital said they didn’t make it.  I am so sorry,” he said, “This could've happened to anyone.” Mr. Clark laid his hand on mine.

Something inside me was yelling, WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING!  YOU KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!  YOU SENSED IT!  THIS IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT!  HOW COULD YOU HAVE BEEN SO STUPID?!?  You could have stopped them for leaving the house, I thought a little more calmly.  I was so angry with myself. But I knew it didn’t make any difference. Tears started form around my deep brown eyes, ready to pour.

“As you know,” Mr. Clark said, “a family found you, and gave you to us when you were little.  We informed them of the accident, and asked them if they would be willing to adopt you themselves.  As it turns out, they would love to.”

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