The Blind Side of Happieness

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Many people don't understand happiness.

It comes so slowly,

Yet leaves so quickly.

Though there's everlasting happiness.

This is when you beat life at it's own game.

It no longer throws bad things at you.

It doesn't happen easily though.

You have to be strong.

You have to get passed everything.

When you reach a point life seems fit,

It will give you happiness.

This happiness comes in many forms.

Love, your dream job, and so many other ways.

When you are down,

Think of all the good things.

This is the cheat through the bad times.

It's a difficult thing to master.

But it works.

Life will push you to the ground and stomp on you.

You have to get up and keep on fighting.

There is no happiness without struggles.

Because the good times of the present and future,

Mean nothing without the struggles of the past.

You have to laugh at the past,

And stay strong for the future.

Because the pain will go away.

It's just a matter of time.

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