authors note

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I forgot to mention that this story takes place in the future, but it is kinda back to the basics too. You have a king and the royal family, the royal guard and whatever else my imagination comes up with 'cause honestly I myself did not wright the first chapter the characters did. I am serious Damon wasn't supposed to be introduced yet, but he decided to make an entrance But I liked it and decided to to keep it and see where it went. Anywho, the next part should be up shortly, in the meantime here are some character descriptions...most of whom you have not met...

1.       Rose Sorren- Sorren- mom- brother is awol dad is passed-waist length dark brown hair, greenish/greyish/blueish-Al-5’8”

2.       Tyson  Ziggler- Ziggy- dad- mom an sis died by drunk driver-dark brown almost black, blue eyes-Kan-6’1”

3.       Damon Sumpter- Calie- Calie, sister- parents in mil. KIA-black hair, green eyes-Al-6’3”

4.       Stephan  Castil- Castle- lil bro dad died mom suicide-surfer dude-Cal-6’4”

5.       Xavier Cloud- Cloud- older bro(paranoid schizophrenic) parents drunk driver- light brown hair, violet eyes-NJ-6’2”

6.       Jaspar Ryan- Jazzy- grandmother- parents went missing never heard from-curly blond hair, brown eyes-LA-6’0”

7.       Javier Potter-dark brown crew cut-6’6”-Fl-grey eyes

8.       Shea Cloud-married to Cloud-strawberry blonde mid-back hair,  Greyish/light blue-NY-5’6”

9.       Momma Sorren-hazel eyes- brown hair- 5’2”

10.   Josh Sorren-shaggy dirty blonde hair-hazel eyes-5’11”

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