White line fever

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Ben was walking around the tour bus. "It's so boring...hey Denis, lets go to a bar" Ben smiled and dragged Denis out of the tour bus. "Hey I didn't consent to this!" Denis shouted, whilst smiling. "Sure, whatever dickhead" Ben smirked. They weren't walking long, as they found themselves at a bar. Ben held the door open for Denis "Ladies first" he joked. "Fuck you" Denis flipped him off. They sat down at the bar,browsing a selection of alcohol.  "I'll have a southern comforts and what about you Den?" Ben turned to Denis. "Uh.." Denis paused. "I'll have the same please..".

James came tumbling into the bar, it was obvious he was shitfaced. He ran up to the two boys, yelling something about Danny, catching Ben's attention. Although he hated Danny, Ben was still curious what James was on about. "Hey Denis, gimme a sec I'm gonna check on him and call Cam to get the nobhead".Ben walked over to James and pulled him outside "Shut up you cunt, you're making a scene now.. What are you bloody yelling about?"."Danny...overdosed on coke" James looked down. "He overdosed on a drink? What a faggot" Ben laughed. All of a sudden Sam came running towards the two "He's not bullshiting Ben, he's in the hospital". Ben looked over to Denis, then looked to Sam and ran off.

After a few minutes of running Ben arrived at the hospital. He ran his fingers through his long curly hair and sighed, pulling a cigarette out and then lighting it. Smoke started to screen the area he was in, after he took many drags,  and a silhouette started to come towards him. "Ben?" The shadow's voice spoke. The wind began to blow, carrying the smoke away and there stood Danny. "You look a mess mate, how are you even out here shouldn't you be in bed?" Ben confronted Danny and gave him a hug. Danny hugged him back "No, there's no fit nurses.." He chuckled. "Why did you do this? You know I beat your ass once; I'll do it again". Danny let out a big sigh, so many emotions filled his head. He broke the hug and looked Ben dead in the eye "Well..I guess what I said was a lie..". Ben looked at him puzzled. "I still love you Ben...I know you won't take me back, not after what I did to Denis and I know you feelings for me have gone, you love him now" Danny continued.

"So you're saying that you're jealous of Denis?" Ben asked. "Yes". "Danny, you loved me for all the wrong reasons. I'm not the same as I used to be.. There's nothing but pain left her-" Danny suddenly cut in "I know, what's killing me, is that I'm killing you". Danny let out one last sigh, "Bye Ben, it was nice seeing you" and he then turned around and walked away.Ben stood there, dazed. Danny had just left so abruptly. He pulled his phone and dialed Cam. "Hey, can you pick me up?I'm at the hospital"

Meanwhile Denis, James and Sam were sat in a the bar having a couple of drinks. Bbzt. Denis' phone went off, he had received a messaged from Ben. 'Hey Denis, I'm sorry I was such a dickhead and left out of the blue earlier. I'm back on the bus now I'm going to sleep.  But can I make it up to you in the morning? I was thinking a meal, dress fancy;)'.

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