chapter 3

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Dec 5,2015


Today me and Hazel are be putting up our Christmas tree.
I invited daniel over ,cuz hazel kept asking if he can come over
To help. I ended up Saying yes.

I was watching love and hiphop when hazel came up to me and asked me"Mommy today are you gonna make hot chocolate?"hazel

"Yes I will be making Hot chocolate tonight."

"Okay,mommy can I take bubble bath before daddy comes?"

"Okay baby girl Let's go upstairs."we walked up stairs I went into the bathroom while Hazel took off her clothes in her room

**After Bubble Bath**

"Mommy Want to wear my Christmas sweater" Hazel told as looked thru her clothes

"Okay,do you wanna wear your Christmas sweater with jeans or leggings?" I asked her

"Ummm leggings!"she jumped up

"Alright let's get you ready."

Me and Hazel finished getting ready. We walked down stairs and start making cookies.

Ding Dong!

"Daddy is here!!"Hazel yelled

As I walked up to open the door.

"Daddy!!" Hazel yelled and ran to him

" Hey Baby girl!"he said and carried her

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

I just watched admiring them.

"Well why don't we start decorating our tree."

"Yay!!"Hazel giggled

We decorated our Christmas tree &
We drank Hot chocolate.

"Mommy and Daddy it's so pretty"Hazel said

Me and Daniel giggled at her cuteness.

Dec 24,2015

Me and Hazel were getting ready to meet with Kevin's family..for Christmas Eve.
Daniel and me have been talking but we are taking it slow...ya know?

Gasp"OMG mommy you look beautiful!!" Hazel glanced at me

"Well thank you baby girl."

"Daddy will love this."as she said that she walked out the room

I laughed.

**At Kev's House**

Ding Dong!!

"Coming!!"Shari yelled
We went in we said hello to everyone.. After a while we ate.

"Jadalyn come here please!"Shari called me


I walked and sat on the couch with her.

"Daniel talked to me earlier about how he misses you and how he wants to get back together."

"And what did u say?"

"I told him that..that is for you and him to talk about."

"I'll try to talk to him later.. But right let's have fun!!" I said as I got up from the couch


After a while now we sat down to open our Christmas Presents..
"Mommy Look what I got!"Hazel said as she opened the gift that Daniel gave her

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