Chessboard of Gwenddolau

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"Oi Kudo," Heiji nudged at the teenaged boy, "wake up."

Conan semi-consciously swatted his arm away, "get lost," he spat.

"You asshole. Don't you have school today?" Heiji questioned, his eyelids were not fully opened as well.

At this, Conan's sleepy eyes suddenly shot open, and he jolted awake. "Ah shit!" he cursed loudly, seeing that he had overslept for 2 hours.

"Why the hell didn't you wake me up?" he asked in frustration.

Heiji gave a hearty laugh before answering, "Am I supposed to be your babysitter now? Who was the one who needed a place like some hobo?"

"Oh forget it," Conan sighed, lying down on the futon again, "not like I'd learn anything new in school anyway."

"Yeah just skip school. I've got you covered, I'll just say you were sick," the older male reassured. Well, the physically older one.

"Damn it," Conan cursed again once more, increasingly frustrated this time.


"Haibara. People will surely ask her where I ran off to. God knows what she'll say," the boy said while putting on his spectacles.

His Osaka friend smirked -clearly amused. "Why are you being such a chicken about that? Or is that cold-blooded woman your wife now?"

"Hell no."

"Then why are you so worried, Kudo?"

"Heiji," Conan looked at him with boredom and irritation, he said in a deadpan manner, "It's Haibara you're talking about. She's unpredictable. There was once she placed chilly powder in my underwear for revenge."

At hearing this, the tanned man burst out laughing, with teary eyes, he muttered, "you must have done something stupid to piss her off like that."

"Anyway," Conan started to change the topic, "what's your case about?"

Heiji walked off to take the crusted bread off the toaster and stuffed it in his mouth. While eating, he explained, "there's this old millionaire from America, he is in possession of a rare chess piece. He found it among his deceased granddaughter's items who committed suicide 5 years ago. The suicidal note dismissed it as it is, but the old man was unconvinced. He wants me to investigate behind the root of her suicide. He thinks it's murder."

Conan nodded, ingesting all the information that flooded to him. He questioned, "then if the client is an American, then why here in Tokyo?"

"Because she died in a motel in Tokyo."

"Anyway," Heiji patted the boy's hair, grinning, "why would you tag along and be of good use? I won't have you slacking in here," he said, as he shoved a piece of toasted bread on Conan's face.


"Heiji, it's a pleasure to meet you here, and who is this?" the old millionaire questioned.

"Mr Cisson, this is Edogawa Conan," he answered, placing a firm grip on the boy's hair, "he may still be a kid. But he's bright. He helped the Sleeping Kogorou in a few cases and Kaitou Kid's heist."

"Well, he's then welcomed," Jim Cisson said, "now, to discuss this case-"

"-The chessboard, its pieces were made of metal then electroplated with silver and gold. Never seen anything like it. My granddaughter, Violette, seemed to have bought it at an auction," Jim continued.

Sipping the cup of coffee made for them, Conan asked, "and how does that relate to her...death?"

"That's where you come in, kid," the American pointed at him, "you see, I was never convinced that Violette committed suicide. She's too strong-willed, and when she passed, the crime scene had a few chess pieces lying on the ground, along with the chessboard. The room centre of the room was a mess, yet the area where the suicidal note was located was neat and pristine. Another thing that I found odd was that the key was exactly on top of the chessboard."

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