Flashback: Police Station

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"Have a seat right here ma'am." The deputy said coldly, his hand gripping onto Evie's arm. Evie jerked her arm away, scoffing. "Yes, I know how to sit in a chair, Deputy McDonuts. You can get your flaky hands off of me." Evie snapped, taking a seat. "Lose the attitude, Missy. And my name is Deputy McDonald." The deputy retorted, glaring at Evie. "My name is Deputy McDonald." Evie mocked. "Hey, stop it!" Deputy McDonald hissed. "Well do you own a farm Deputy McDonald?" Evie snorted, rolling her eyes. The deputy looked at her. "What? No, I don't own a far- "Evie cut him off. "Then it's Deputy McDonuts, Deputy McDonuts." She muttered, poking the deputy's chest. He pushed her hand away, giving her a look of annoyance. "Well I don't own a doughnut shop, or anything with- with doughnuts so..." He muttered. "Yeah, but like, you're like part of the police force right?" Evie said, looking left to right. "Well, yeah but like, I-I, I don't get it still..." The deputy mumbled, scratching the back of his head. Evie sighed, "Okay, so like you kind of have a, a gut and there's the whole joke thing about police and doughnuts so..." She trailed off, clearing her throat. Deputy McDonald still wasn't getting it and Evie shook her head. "Y-you know what, never mind. Just, j-just forget about it." She groaned. "Oh, okay. Well, I'm gonna have to handcuff you to the chair now. So if you could, you know, sit down please." Deputy McDonald grumbled and Evie sat down. He handcuffed her to the chair arm and started walking away. "Oh, wait I get it now!" The deputy said, "Cause like you know everyone thinks- thinks that all- "Evie stopped him, shaking her head again. "No, stop. The moments over, it's-it's done. Just go do the paperwork, or whatever." She said, sitting back in the seat. "Oh, sorry. I'm, yeah I'm gonna go do that.." The deputy said, the awkward- somewhat tension- filling the air.

Evie sat in her seat, playing with her long black hair. She looked around the police station, humming softly. When her eyes came across the girl across from her, her eyes stopped roaming. The girl across from Evie didn't look too much younger than her, maybe about a two or three-year difference. She had short silvery hair and looked quite nervous. Evie snorted at the girl, who was sitting handcuffed to a chair. "What's wrong with you? You look like you're going through, like withdrawal." She chortled, referring to the girl who was rapidly bouncing her leg and nibbling on her nails. The girl looked up with worried big doe-eyes and shook her head quickly. "N-no. I'm just..." The girl paused, looking for something to say, "I've never been in trouble before, not even a single trip to the principal's office. And now they're calling my parents and I know that they're going to be fuming and-" Evie cut the rambling girl off, shaking her head. "Yeah, yeah. Hey look, I didn't ask for your life story, buddy." She said and the girl whispered a 'sorry'. Evie couldn't help but think about how pretty the girl was, but she also couldn't stop thinking about how much of a goody-two-shoe she seemed like. "So what happened, the cops find your stash?" Evie asked, causing the doe-eyed girl to look back up at her quickly. "What? No, I don't do drugs." The girl mumbled, looking around the station. "Then what're you her for?" Evie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I was at a convenient store and I was holding a few packets of gum. While I was looking at some sunglasses I accidentally knocked a pair off. Without thinking I put the gum packs in my pocket to pick them up, and then I forgot about them. Of course they don't believe that." The explained, sighing. She furrowed her eyes at Evie, who was now in pisses at her story. "Wait, wait wait wait. You're in here, because of some packs of gum?" Evie questioned in between laughs. The girl rolled her eyes, nodding. "Yeah, it's not that funny." The girl mumbled, turning away from Evie. The two didn't say anything after that.

"So what're you here for?" The girl asked softly as Evie looked up. "Certainly not for stealing gum." Evie snorted. "I didn't steal it!" The girl groaned as Evie kept laughing. "Yeah, yeah sure." Evie said, finally calming down. "I didn't." The girl said under her breath. "Anyway," Evie began, "I'm here because some peasant, pigeon-toed, top heavy jackass decided he was going to flip me off and give me lip. So I punched him, and then again. And a couple more times. So yea, that's what I'm in for." Evie finished, sighing as she slumped down in her seat. "Oh, well damn. I'm sure he deserved it." The girl commented, laughing a bit. "Oh he did. What's your name? I'm Evie." Evie introduced herself. "My names Aroria, but my friends and family call me Ria." Aroria said, shrugging a bit. "I'll call you Rori." Evie said, paying no attention to Aroria's already given nickname. Rori smiled, humming. "Rori... I like it." Rori said, still smiling. Evie didn't know why, but she couldn't help grinning at Rori, her smile was contagious. "Hey, maybe we could grab something to eat after we get out of here, huh?" Evie suggested. Rori thought about it before nodding slowly. "Dinner with a potential criminal, sounds like a date." Rori joked, giggling. Evie smiled at her giggle, laughing softly herself. They both looked up as the door to Deputy McDonald's office opened.

It was around two in the morning when Rori was released with just a warning. Evie even managed to somehow get out of being charged and was released around the same time. Rori pulled her hoodie tightly around her body as she made her way down the street. "Rori! Hey wait up!" Evie called out as she jogged up to Rori. "So it's not dinner, but I do know a diner that's open 24 hours." She grinned, looking down at Rori who smiled back. "Alright, I could use a coffee." Rori said, walking beside Evie. Rori raised her eyebrow at a panting Evie. "You okay?" She asked and Evie nodded. "Yeah. It's just, running's not really my, my thing, you know?" Evie replied, catching her breath. Rori laughed and shook her head. "Yeah, mine either." She smiled. The two rounded the corner and walked into the small diner. They sat at the counter on the bar stools. "Two coffees please?" Evie said to the woman behind the counter. "Sure thang sweetheart." The woman said with a soft southern accent, smiling kindly.

Rori sipped at her coffee, looking around the unfamiliar diner. "You know, I live a couple of blocks from here and I've never been here. It's nice and cozy." She smiled, looking back at Evie who was just smiling at her. "What?" Rori laughed softly, taking another sip of her coffee. Evie shook her head, still smiling. "Nothing, you're just, you're really pretty you know." Evie said softly with a shrug. Rori blushed and bit her lower lip, giggling a little. "Well thank you. You're really pretty too. Like, really pretty." Rori laughed softly, looking into Evie's bright blue eyes. The grandfather clock in the little diner chimed, signaling the next hour. Rori looked at her phone and sighed, starting to gather her stuff. "This was nice, I enjoyed it. But it's late and I should get some sleep. Maybe we can do this again sometime, hopefully soon?" Rori questioned, looking at Evie as she laid a five dollar bill on the table. Evie grinned and nodded, gathering her things as well. "Definitely. Here's my number. Text me when you get home, okay?" Evie said, quickly writing her number down on a piece of paper and sliding it across the counter to Rori. Rori picked it up and nodded. "You can count on it. Bye, Evie." Rori said softly, biting her lower lip. She looked at Evie for a couple of seconds before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, leaving the diner. Evie blushed a bit and lightly pressed her hand to her cheek. "I'm never washing my face again." Evie joked to herself. "Gross." The woman behind the counter mumbled and Evie glared. "Oh shut up, I was kidding." Evie grumbled, placing her money on the counter. "Thanks for the coffee." She mumbled and walked out of the diner, back into the cold crisp night.

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