Chapter Seventeen

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Everything was better.


Colten was diagnosed with Depression, but he has been set to go to these classes that he won't give me the name of. Audrey and Clay basically forced him too... It wasn't a bad idea whatsoever.

It was just one of those massive hills in our life that we struggled to get over.

But hey, we did it. Especially Clay and Audrey... It is clear that it is hard for them still but they are taking each day step by step. Then with Colten on top of it, they were in a living hell.

The day Colten got his stomach pumped out, was the day he hugged me like never before. I was hoping it was more then a friend hug... But after that day and on he has been acting the exact same.

At least we are fine.. I don't know what I'd do without that shit head.

It was Christmas. Which met that my mom and I would spend Christmas Eve with The LaBrants. Honestly I hope today will be filled with joy. But it will probably be harder then ever because it's the first Christmas without..... Cass....

"Grab that taco dip babe, then also grab the potato salad for me please. My hands are filled with gifts," I stood in the kitchen putting on my coat over my black short dress. Mom said It looked a little too "slutly" but all she was, was a hypocrite. My mom, Amber, stood at least 6ft 3 in her heals. She is literally the tallest girl I know but she insisted on wearing her hooker red stilettos. With her legs being the longest, her black dress hung, well I should say clung to her body right below her butt.

It is honestly embarrassing that my mom used to be a stripper.

All the guys in my class are in love with her though, it is funny as hell because she doesn't have a boyfriend and all these little six inch wiener boys think they can fuck my mom.

Completing my moms orders I grabbed the food and followed her struggling self out to the car. We placed everything in the back and hoped in making sure we weren't forgetting anything.

"We got the food? And all the presents right?" I watched her eyes look up into the mirror to make sure. It was useless because it was dark. So before she could ask I turned around in my seat and counted everything.

"Yes we do," I say turning around. As I did my phone lite up. Looking down I saw it was a text message from Colten.

I smiled.

I can't wait to see you :)

What. What. What.

My stomach dropped.

This must of been the wrong person Colten never does this.

I texted back instantly.

Weirdo :p

What? I didn't know what to say.

"Kiley don't text right now that light distracts my driving," Looking over at my mom she had full eyes ahead. It honestly surprised me on how good of a driver she is.

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