Chapter 1: Christmas At Grimmauld Place

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The twins are back at Hogwarts, and I haven't slept in a week. I use their pillows, I stole a couple of their shirts and a jumper each before they left. But it doesn't help. Not enough.

Mrs. Weasley has been home schooling me in the afternoons. While I can get away with it, I've been working at Madam Malkins part time during the mornings. Once mid February hits I'll have to go on maternity leave per Mrs. Weasley.

She and I have gotten much closer over the past months. I talk to her when I'm feeling depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed. Generally, it's all three at once.

Fred, George, and I used our scrolls to stay in contact for short messages. Such as I miss you's and I love you's. Otherwise we write once or twice a week.

Fred and George told me all about Umbitch. They say they're glad she cannot touch me. They don't want me to get hurt for any reason.

They also wrote me about the D.A. They told me every spell they learned so I wouldn't feel left out. They can be so sweet sometimes.


Christmas break is here. The days pass on and the bigger I get.

I'm standing on platform 9 3/4 with Mr. Weasley, Dad, and Tonks. I'm wearing a loose red shirt and maternity jeans with black flats.

"Li?" I hear two voices shout as I'm embraced in a three way hug.

"Freddie! Georgie! Oh Merlin! I missed your voices!"

"Alright. Can I say hello to my sister, now?"

"Harry!" I tackled him next. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny after him.

"Alright. That's everyone! Let's go. Quickly now." Mr. Weasley said as we all began to walk.

Once back at the house, Tonks, Hermione, Ginny, and I discussed the wonders and horrors of pregnancy. The boys all left the room quickly.

Tonks and I have grown very close, since she is closer to my age. Plus she's in love with my dad, though she won't admit it. Neither will dad.

Uncle Sirius ran around the house putting up decorations and singing Christmas carols. It was quite a funny site.

Uncle Sirius got Fred and I stuck under the mistletoe. Magic mistletoe won't let you go until you kiss. So we did. And it was magical. It felt like fireworks went off throughout my entire body.

Until I remembered Cedric. And then I felt guilty.

"I...I'm sorry.. I can't." I stuttered out as I began crying and ran up the stairs.

**Fred's POV**

"Bloody HELL!" I said as I fell onto the couch next to George.


"We got stuck under the mistletoe. We kissed. And it... it was the most amazingly, magical moment of my life, George!"


"But...she cried..and ran for it..." I threw my hands over my face.

George sighed and went back to his work.

**Lily POV**

"Freddie. I'm sorry can we just go back to the way it was before? I can't...not yet..." I said as we woke up. I still sleep next to the twins. Best sleep I've gotten since Cedric...died..

"I know. It's fine. I'm not expecting anything from you. I will wait until the end of the world for you, Li." He said as he hugged me close.

**Christmas Day**

We opened all of our presents. Most of mine were things for the baby. I only got chocolate frogs and a Weasley jumper otherwise. Which was perfect for me.

I helped Mrs. Weasley make Christmas dinner. Which turned out amazing, if I do say so myself.

I'm still not over Cedric, or what happened to him. But I'm slowly coming to terms with it. Maybe one day, I'll even be okay.


This one will be slower to update.

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