Jess POV:
I've noticed that Gina has been acting weird lately. I've also notice that everything you mention the word Halloween she scrunches up her nose and talks very little of the subject. And normally around Halloween time she's buzzing. It's like her favourite festive season. It's also weird that she suggested a sleepover. Gina has never done that before.
When we have sleepovers she'll always say "I'm busy" or "I'm grounded". The grounded one is probably true because she seems to always be grounded.
I think something's troubling her. Maybe it's just nothing. I don't think I should worry about it much. During third period which I had with Britt we were talking about Gina acting weird and it turns out I'm not the only one who's noticed she's been acting weird, and when we pick up on her behaviour and address her to it she always dismisses it as her just thinking.
After having this conversation with Britt I had the best idea come to mind.
'Hey Britt you know how we're having that sleepover thing'
'Yeah what about it'
'I have a really good plan for what we should do...but Gina can't know. Well continue through text now okay.'
'Because it's lunch break and I don't want Gina to know what we're talking about.'
'Oh okay I get ya'
Text messages between Britt and Jess.
#Okay well spill the beans. What's this plan of yours##well Britt if you must know.#
#Just tell me dammit#
#okay, okay. You know how Gina has a massive crush on Darcy.#
#yeah what about it#
#we should invite him and Chaz#
#wait. What does inviting Darcy and Chaz got to do with Gina liking Darcy?#
I don't get to reply fully because the bell for my double period went and I can't text during it because I have sport. All I ended up saying was;
#i will text you more about it after school okay##okay you better because I really wanna know more about your little plan.#
Then we exchanged our goodbye hugs and went our own ways.A/N
What do you think of Jess's plan???
Next chapter up soon.
The sleepover and everything before and after.
Teen FictionGina runs into trouble. There's a sleepover. There are secrets and her secret not so secret crush my find her before it's to late.