Allies: Reaction to their s/o going into Labor

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America/Alfred F. Jones

Two words. Absolute. Panic. Alfred would be a mess and depending on how his s/o was reacting this could go two ways. Alfred would either be running around the house with his s/o demanding him to get the baby bag (they had packed clothing and toiletries and things before), or Alfred and his s/o were both freaking the fuck out and totally forgot the baby bag and are already on their way to the hospital.

England/Arthur Kirkland

Arthur would be panicked as well, but he'd be able to mask his. He'd calmly go about getting the baby bag and getting his poor s/o into the car. Once you had been rushed into the hospital and to a room, Arthur would excuse himself to the hospital bathroom and have a total meltdown. He'd pace the room and go through everything that could possibly go wrong, but not wanting to panic his s/o, he'd keep all of his worries to himself.

Canada/Matthew Williams

Despite being quite cool and collected during stressful situations, this was totally different and Matthew would trip over his own two feet while he ran around the house trying to get everything parent and baby would need. Once you were checked in, and the nurses had assured him a few times that you would be perfectly fine, Matt would calm down until you were actually giving birth. The mania would start all over again once the doctors announced it was time to push though.

Russia/Ivan Braginski

Ivan would try to keep his cool, but you'd see a completely new side to him. He'd be stuttering and shaky, absolutely unsure of himself. He'd get the things you needed and take you to the hospital. The entire labor he'd help you through contractions and be at your disposal. Ivan would be very, very, very stricken and worried the whole time you were in labor and would not relax for a single moment.

France/Francis Bonnefoy

Francis would be very cool about the ordeal. He'd get you to the hospital and help you through contractions like a pro, but as soon as the actual birth came around he'd be a crying, sweating mess. He was just so worried! He didn't want anything to happen to you or the baby, and despite the fact he was melting down he'd still breathe with you and help you through contractions.

China/Yao Wang

Although he had raised many kids, Yao had never actually been present during the birth of a child. With this lack of expertise he'd be very nervous, but still calm enough to get the things they needed in the car without panicking his s/o more than they already were. He'd be very supportive throughout the entire thing and wouldn't leave his s/o's side no matter the circumstances.


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