10th grade❣

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There was a game In the 10th grade called ask the girl. So people would ask girls to go to homecoming with them. Hope they say yes and if they do u hug them for awhile (I guess that's how it works). When Alex asked me if course I said yes!! There was so much to do I was on decorating duty and has to get a dress and everything else. So than I started doing things first I went to pick my dress👗. When I got my dress picked out the day before the dance I got a couple other things. Getting ready was easy this is what I did. I put the dress on 👗. Than I got my lipstick on💄💋 👄 did my nails 💅🏻. Last I put my shoes on👠. When he came he looked amazing 👔👞👖😎. He was perfect than when I saw him u looked like this 🤓. We had a great time and partied. 

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