Chapter Nine

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[Bree's POV]

As I got home, my phone went ringing multiple times meaning there's so many notifications.

"You'll not answer your calls?" Dad asked me as he saw me hanging my coat to the coat hanger and kicking off my boots.

"Those are not calls. It's just notifications, wifi automatically connects." I explained and marched to my room.

After changing to comfortable clothes, I checked my phone where my notifications come from.

It was all from Niall. Five notifications and four messages in Twitter, three messages from Instagram and one message from Skype.

I should have turned off my data connection after stalking him on the Internet, ugh. After groaning, he called on Skype and I answered. It's not a video call so I put my phone beside my ear ending up loud speak because I'm too lazy to hold.

"You miss me?" He said, still teasing.
"Well, you called, messaged and tweeted me first. Technically, you're the one who's missing me. I won." I smirked.

"Won?" He said, obviously confused.
"The deal, remember? The one who's going to interact first?" I remind.

"Oh, damn!" He replied, I laughed.
"So, what's the prize?" I tease.
"Erm, nothing. It's just a game." He said, fading out.

"Nothing? Then what's the sense of the game without punishment and prize?" I protested

"Woah, calm down there buddy. I actually don't know what." He said
"I can't even too." I sigh

"So what you doing?" He said.
"You sound like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb." I giggled
"Phineas and Ferb?" He said curious

"Cartoon. Disney channel." I answered shortly

"Wait, you watch cartoons?" He said slowly laughing.
"And so?" I raised one eyebrow, he burst into laughter.

"There's no anything wrong with it!" I defend.

"Yeah, but.." He said and laughed again, not finishing his words.

I pouted, "age doesn't matter."
"Aren't you too old to watch cartoons?" He said and still giggling.

"Yes, yes I am." I smirked. The pun, I know he wouldn't notice.

"Yeah, childish." He sighed, exhaled a last laugh.

"Cartoons isn't just for kids. Some cartoons are deep, it's just too deep and you wouldn't even notice." I just said out of nowhere.

"How?" He asked
"Something like, Adventure Time. Marceline, a vampire queen, she have a feeling of hatred towards her father. She composed a song about his father eating her fries. I know you would just say 'it's just fries!' But no, those fries have a deep meaning." I explain.

"Well, this conversation just got kinda deep." He commented.

"Yeah, I guess it was." I giggled
"This is the first time I hear you laugh, multiple times." He suddenly said.

"Shut it." My face went blank, "does it really matter?"

"You seem so serious and emo, I don't know. Just like cartoons, you have a deep perception in it while mine is it's just for kids." He said

"You should watch some." I suggest.
"The tour is ending anyway, maybe cartoons and food sometime?" He requested.

"Maybe, of course, why not?" I smiled.

"After the tour? I don't know I'll just inform you!" He said excitedly, I smiled.

After that, different topics chimed in to the conversation.

Author's note:
Sorry for the small itsy bitsy spoiler.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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