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Like always, there would be plenty of royal guards surrounding them no matter where they go. But it wasn’t what they weren’t used to. It has always been like this since they were just babies. The only weird thing is this adopted daughter of their dear uncle, the one human that is studying in the vampire academy with them. Her name is Alexis Range. How could she always smile at them so gleefully when her true parents were killed by the noble vampire? The moment she was saved by their uncle, Lord Peter, she kept smiling like everyone else was humans and that everything was perfectly fine. Those part of her creep them out the most.

‘Good morning, Dom.’ She said with her usual cheerful smile. ‘I mean, Goodnight.’ She added. ‘Oh, Drake, it’s been awhile. This vampire thing is still a little weird for me.’ She continued. Drake stared at her blankly without giving any response. ‘When vampires reached maturity they start to sleep less and age slowly, right?’ She asked with a smile on her face. Drake let out a sigh and nodded. ‘My god, how many times do you have to have me explain this to you?’ Drake said with a slight annoyance. ‘Before maturity, vampires age as ‘fast’ as the humans and sleep as much as the humans. After maturity around the age of sixteen to twenty, Noble vampires ages ten times slower than the humans but sleep as much as the humans. As for Royal vamps like us, we do not age at all and sleeps only every ten years once. The sleep would last us for one full year the least.’ Drake said as he got into the limo with all of us.

Alexis sat down and cocked her head aside with confusion. ‘But why do King Alexander and Queen Vesper still ages? In fact they looked like they are at their forties.’ She said. Before Drake could say anything, Dominique interrupted. ‘Father didn’t age, Alexis. Father just stops drinking human blood which makes him look significantly old. As long as he starts drinking human blood again, he would be fine. As for that bitch, she’s just a noble.’ Dominique said with slight despise in the thought that she had just actually talked about Vesper. Alexis nodded showing that she finally understood.

When they arrived at the academy, they knew exactly what would be waiting for them. Girls from the academy, especially nobles would be begging to crawl all over Drake. As for Dominique, she was only popular among the girls because she is the princess but mostly the boys would still drool over her. The only one that would be completely despised was Alexis. It was odd enough that a human is studying in a vampire academy, to make things worst she was with the two royals. Obviously, the others would be jealous of her.

The moment they step out of the limo, people started surrounding them. All of them are like paparazzi trying to get a picture of the star. They surrounded them with mouthwatering expressions and all of them wanted the same thing and that is power. It’s like human high school all over again. You hang out around a popular girl or boy and you’ll turn into another popular student except this was like a political contest from father to son, mother to daughter. The Nobles children are to hang around the royals to prove their relations with the royals is so great that they could do as they like.

Even so, there would always be royal guards blocking the way of the power crazy crowd. Although they aren’t really acting like fanatics crazy over a Hollywood star, they were actually trying their very best to make themselves as noble as possible but at the same time they were trying to get the attention of the siblings. This fact annoys Dominique significantly. Because of this, she cannot get any real friends nor can she trust anyone of them. As for Drake, he never trusts anyone and Dominique knew that. Drake only trusts himself and her and no one else. That includes that King himself as well.

He put his arm onto Dominique’s shoulder and pulled her closer to his chest. She understands why he would only trust her, because she herself could only trust him as well. They were like this, together and always playing and having fun, everything they do, they do it together, because of that, Drake is significantly protective towards her.

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