To Be An Empire

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Warning: Much England Gore and Pain in this one. Sorry ;)


"You can't keep bossing me around!" America yelled loudly at England outside a restaurant they had been at. There had been no argument between the fifteen year old America and England, there had been a minor misunderstanding.

"I'm your brother! You listen to me!" England spat back. He immediately took it back after he said it. America's blue eyes filled with tears before red blush filled his cheeks. America shoved his fists into his pockets as if restricting them from punching England.

"No!" America choked out. "We're not brothers! We'll never be brothers!" America headed off into the crowd covering London. England felt his own tears rising in his throat as America disappeared into the tight crowd of people.

Fine. England thought to himself. He headed down the darker ally close to where they were staying for the night. America had nowhere else to go but the area they were staying, so of course he'd come back. Though walking down the ally alone bothered him. He felt as though he was being watched, and now that the bustle of people was in the distance, he as an empire felt extremely alone.

There it was. The cracking of somebody's shoes on concrete. England began to turn just a little two late. His wrists were grabbed and pulled behind him, before a gloved hand came over his mouth. He felt something tight, rope supposedly, wrap around his wrists. He twisted lively, though there was no use. The person dragging him down the ally must've been taller than him, because his feet barely scraped the ground.

Before he new it, his body was violently pushed against a brick wall between the shops. The hand restricting his mouth pulled back, leaving himself desperate for breath. He gasped, only to find three people. He didn't recognize him, though they seemed to recall him.

"Look who I got." One called to the others. His voice was ragged, like one of Germany yet deeper and more cut. "The great British Empire." He laughed loudly before he struck England in the face, causing the country to pull away. Blood trickled down his nose, though getting away was no option. The one dragging him the had his arm buckled to the wall.

"You walking alone?" One of the one's not holding him back spoke up. His words were slurred, it was obvious that he had lost a tooth doing something, though England couldn't recall what.

England chose it would be best not to retort.

"No." The one holding him bent close to his face. England tasted the blood running from his nose before it dripped down to his shirt. "He's got a little one he loves dearly." England jerked his emerald eyes up to the mans dark brown ones.

"That's his pull point it seems." The one who hadn't said anything spoke up. "After him next?" England pulled his head to the one who just said the remark. England had to admit, he had a soft spot for America.

"Funny. Didn't think he cared for any of his colonies." The dark eyed one laughed. "You destroyed us didn't you?" He pulled England to where his feet weren't touching the ground. He lifted him before forcefully pushing his feet into the ground.

England's knees gave out before he took it in that his face was close to the ground. Without his arms to hold himself up, his nose slammed into the concrete below. There was a snap, it had to be broken now. He stronger man grabbed the back of his collar and lifted him upwards.

One of the other ones, hit England in the side. England gasped for air before he knew it. That was a left hand hit. One he had when conquering a smaller country. One where a person hit him defending his country. These were his colonies. Though he couldn't tell which ones.

He was hit once more in the side of his head. He felt the caving of his skin, and the attempts of his skull to hold up. The blood was soaking his shirt as two of the bystanders attacked him. They pushed their fists into his gut, his back, any area they could reach, including his legs. Since they had the politeness to wrap his hands behind his back, he couldn't even defend the blows as they hit him.

"I think we're done." One of them declared. He dropped England to the ground, where he slumped against his arms. "I think we can leave him here."

'Good'. England thought to himself. The corners of his vision was going blurry anyway. He rolled to his side as they walked off. The only worry in his head were if they really were going for America. 'America's smarter than them'. He reassured himself.

Though now he really should worry about himself. How in the world was he supposed to get out of this?

There it was. Small steps running quickly before they jerked to a stop close to where he was positioned. "England?! You're scaring me now! Where are you?!" A voice called out. England caught who it was immediately. A fifteen year old known by America.

""Merica." England choked out. It was enough for America to take a notice to it. HE turned his head before carefully walking down the ally. America took a quick stop to England when he found him.

"Oh my..." America bent down before fumbling with the ropes loosely put on England's wrists. "You okay?" He stood back up before hauling England up with him.

"Mm....yeah..." England slurred out. America pulled his body on top of his back. America, being as strong as he is, began to walk back to the hotel.

"England?" America whispered to his partially knocked out brother.

"Yea...?" England gave a quieted tone before his head fell down to America's shoulder.

"We'll always be brothers."

A.N. Sorry for the fluff! And if you didn't understand this is set when England had many colonies. The colonies came back and attacked him for what he did to their country's. I do love England beat up ;) Sorry for the top picture XD

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