Switched Roles

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Romano twisted in his bed. Something didn't seem right. Spain hadn't told him goodnight in his normal tone, he only stuck his head in, said goodnight, and walked off. He had seemed pretty off today, his smiles were forced, and he wasn't jumping around as he normally was. Romano doubted why he cared, but right now that was pretty important that Spain was okay.

Romano jolted up in his bed. He glanced at the clock on the wall, four in the morning. He was too old to be caring about this, after all, he is twenty three now, and he didn't need to make sure his boss was alright.

But, Romano pressed his hand into his head. He shouldn't worry but, Romano jerked out of the bed and walked down the hall. He stopped at Spain's door, yet hesitated before knocking. He closed his eyes, took his knuckles, and rapped the door lightly.

There wasn't an answer. Though Romano didn't want to, he knocked on the door just a bit harder than before. This time, he got a thick cough before a slight moan. Romano pulled back his hand, but decided it was best to walk inside. "Hey Spain." Romano placed his hand on the doorknob. "I'm coming in, okay?"

When he stepped in there wasn't much to see. Just Spain's normal room, but with Spain sitting upright in the bed, his hands over his face and his fingers entwining with his hair. Romano seemed taken aback, he didn't like seeing Spain upset, like most people didn't.

Romano parted his lips. "Hey, jerk, you okay?" Romano took a couple steps closer to the Spaniard. Spain looked up, gave a halfhearted smile, and then burrowed his face into his hands once more. "You're not okay!" Romano, trying not to seem to concerned, he ran to the Spaniard  and grabbed his wrists.

Though Romano was trying not to be mean, he had to see why the Spanish man was hiding his face. He pried Spain's hands away from his face, and for once the large country was being stubborn against Romano. When Romano had his hands from his face, he saw that Spain's face was tear stained, and his usually tanned skin was a little red.

"What happened?" Romano asked. He still held onto Spain's hands, taking in the heart beat of the older country. It was beating fast, and his hands felt hot. "Are you sick?" Spain shook his head. His hair was damp, and his eyes were blood shot.

Spain sighed. "I'm not too sure Roma." His hands were partially shaking, and he refused to attempt to pull them away. Romano didn't want to let them go either, because he was so worried that his boss was coming down with something. It's flu season after all.

"You weakling!" Romano began to turn into his normal self. "You're crying!" Spain used his shoulder to wipe his eyes.

"Yeah, I kinda am aren't I?" Spain let his shoulders drop, yet still let Romano grip his hands.

Romano tried not to, but his tiny soft side came out. "No, you're not." Romano let go of Spain's hands, pressed them to his chest, and pushed him back into the bed. "You need to sleep Spain." Romano pulled the cover over him before he began to storm out of the room.

Though he just couldn't bring himself to leave the sick country. Spain's breathing was heavy, and even though this was Romano's pet peeve, he wandering closer to the Spaniard. Spain gave a light grin as Romano sat next to him, gripped his hand, and waited for him to fall asleep.

Unluckily for Romano, he fell asleep first.

Romano woke up next to Spain, his feet dangling off the edge of the bed. Romano shot up, breathing heavily. The other country was asleep, but his hand was still grasped onto Romano's. Romano's face lit up, and he pulled his fingers from Spain's.

Romano knew what he would do before he went outside to garden, he walked downstairs. Luckily, Spain always had some tomato soup on hand. Romano made it, added a little seasoning to it because Spain likes it better that way, and set it on Spain's bedside table upstairs.

He then left the sick jerk, scowling to himself. How had he fallen asleep that fast? Gosh darn it!

Sorry for the short chapter, but my Spamono feels are just sky rocketing right now! Tee hee!

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