Chapter 1

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Disclamer : I do not own KHR, Akira Amano does.

Chapter 1

    Sicily, Italy......

     "Congratulation Sawada-sama, you have 3 child now. All of them are healthy." A deep voice of the doctor said. Two Nurse behind him held 3 Babies in their arm. The first one is a baby boy with Blonde hair like his father with sky blue eyes. The second is a baby boy with Brown Hair and Blue eyes like his brother and the last is a baby girl, Brown hair but mich lighther from her second brother and have big honey brown eyes. Her eyes wonder around the room woth curiosity on it.

      "Anata, what should we name them?" Sawada Nana, the mother of the triplet said in a soft tone. Still feel tired for all the labor but that can't stop her to see her new childs.

     The man Sawada Iemitsu, turned his head from his wife to his new childs. He pick his first son, held him closer. He can feel the Sky flames radiated from his son. A very powerful one.

     "Ah, I will name you Ieyasu. Right, Sawada Ieyasu. The same name as primo. Welcome little Ie." Iemitsu said make Nana giggled at that. She pick her second child.

      "Your Name shall be Sawada Natsuyoshi, Na-kun" the couple seems very happy at that. They don't realized their youngest child who is still in the nurse arm until the doctor coughed a little. Make their attention turn at him.

     "Sawada-sama, How about your youngest child?" Iemitsu wide his eyes. Completely forget about that. He shoved Ieyasu at Nana and carefully pick the baby. He squeal at his Daughter look. 'C-cute'

      "Tuna-fish, My only Tuna-fish. So your name shall be Sawada Tsunayoshi!" the docter sweatdrop at that. 'Is not that a boy name?'

~TimeSkip~ 6 Years later.....

       "Ie-nii, Natsu-Nii where are you going?" A brunette girl asked with her large brown hair to two boys in front of Her. One with Blonde hair and the other with brown hair like her.

        "Study Tsu-chan. Stay in here, okay?" the blonde-Ieyasu answered as he patted the soft head of his sister.

      "Why can't Tsu-chan come too?" the question make the two boys stiffed.

     "Um.. You see.. It's complicated. So well, Yeah Bye Tsu-chan!" the brunette boy take his brother hand and run as fast as he could. Don't want his sister to know what they really doing all this time. Leave Little Tsuna alone in the garden. Cheek puffed in a pout.

     "Mou~ why they never told me anything? Meanie"

~TimeSkip~ 3 Years Later

Tsuna Pov.

      Hello, my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. Yeah, a weird name for a girl. But Kaa-chan said it's a nice name so I loved it. I have two older brother, Sawada Ieyasu and Sawada Natsuyoshi but Ie-nii like to be called Giotto. And do you know that Ie-nii and Natsu-nii will be a boss someday?
Grandpa Timoteo said that Ie-nii will be the next hair of Vongola while Natsi-nii will be the CEDEF Leader! Tou-chan current job.

      They said that Vongola is the most wealthiest Enterprise in the world but the truth is Vongola is the most powerful Mafia Family or so that's what Xanxus-nii told me. That's why Ie-nii and Natsu-nii always go practice everyday to become the good leader. If I'am not wrong their tutor is a guy name Rebin? Reban? Ah no Reborn! What a weird name.

        Tou-chan, Kaa-chan and my brothers always go everyday. Leave me alone in the mansion. Sometimes Xanxus-nii and Timoteo-Jiji come to visit. Of course my family don't know about that. Xanxus-nii is the kindest guy I know! He like to teach me about gun. I love him so much

End Tsuna Pov....

     Back to reality, now Tsunayoshi sitting in one of many sofas in the mansion. Look at the ceiling in boring. What can she do Today?

      The sudden thought is cut by a knock from the door, reveal Timoteo, Tsuna kind like Grandfather and her father boss. Tsuna smiled brightly and run to the old man. Tacked him in a hug.

     "Timoteo-jiji! I miss you so much. Why you come so sudden? Don't you still have job to do? And where's Xanxus-nii?" She said excitedly. It's been 2 months since tge last time Tsuna saw her grandpa.

     "Calm down Tsuna-chan, I can't answer that if you say that in one time. So can we have a sit now?" the grandfather asked gently as he sat at on of the sofa in there.

    "Tsuna-chan the reason I come here is  inform you. You now that your Identity is keep as a secref right? Unfortunately, an Enemy Famiglia find about it. And they come to get you"

      "W-what? Is Tou-chan know about this?"

     "Not yet. But we need to hurry now. They can get here any time. So where do you want to go?" Tsuna think a little until she get the answer.

      ".... Namimori. My mother hometown. Not many mafia know about the place. A perfect place to live."

       "Good Choice. And there is a mansion where you can live." Timoteo smiled at this but not until Coyote Nougat. Come burst from the room. Look panicked but still can control his emotions.

    "They're here now!"

   "Coyote, go with Tsuna to Namimori, I will handle this" Timoteo said in a command tone.

    "Yes Boss!"

   "Tsuna all your stuff will be delivered later. Don't worry Coyote will protect you"

    "Yes Jiji. Say my goodbye to my Family and Xanxus-nii" The Old man smiled patted her head for the last time.

     "Of course my dear. Of course"


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