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My dad was gone for over an hour and this isn't owning up to my expectations.
I wanted him to tell me how much he missed me and how much he had tried to contact us.
Not be a little b.itch about it.

"Hey, um I'm supposed to lead you to your room" I looked up at the door to see a boy around my age.

"I'm Dylan" (O' -fucking-Brien)
He smiled sweetly.

"Hi, I'm Adrianna"

"Nice to meet you, I'm guessing you're Adrien's daughter" he added.

"Lucky guess" I rolled my eyes. Immediately I felt sorry for being so rude to this boy, who's only trying to start a harmless well needed conversation.

"I'm sorry, I'm just agitated. You're only trying to be nice" I sighed.

He smiled not offended by my rude acts.

"Its fine honestly. Well c'mon I have to show you your room" he chuckled.

I nodded and we started walking toward a large, swirled staircase. We walked without uttering a single word.

"So I'm guessing you work for my father" I asked, bravely trying to break the silence.

"Lucky guess" he mocked, rolled his eyes playfully.

"Not really, I'm his son"

I choked on my breath and coughed to play it off.

"His son?" I asked, trying to suppress my surprise.


"B-But you're my age I'm guessing" I am completely baffled.

So much for being worried about me and my mom my conscience scoffed.

He was probably going through a rough time in his life and needed comfort.

Yeah the comfort of another lady he probably picked up for a fun ride.

Don't disrespect Dylan's mother, I scolded myself. Jesus, I'm talking to myself, well my mind. Isn't that the same thing as talking to yourself? What?

"Don't worry, I was conceived before our parents got together" he chuckled, putting his hands up in defense.

"Are your mom and my dad together now?" I asked.

Please, please, please, say no.

"Married actually, have been for a good twelve and a half years now. He claims your mom cheated on him and left with you after your birth" he shrugged.

"That's such a lie!" I yelled

"I'm kidding, he never really speaks of you guys" he said opening a door.

"Well thanks, my mother is dead" I hissed pushing past him into the room and slamming the door.

And here I was apologizing for being rude.

He didn't know obviously

So my father remarried?

I don't get it! My mother said they were so happy!
Why would he remarry?

What really happened?


I sat in silence for over two hours, eventually falling asleep in the oversized bed.

I woke up to the sound of a knocking on the door.

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