Chappy 2

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Brendon's pov-

When she said those small little words my heart broke a little bit

She thought I would reject her? Because she was broken?

I started to walk towards her and she flinched as my hand came up I sadly smiled as I looked into her drowning eyes rubbing anywhere that didn't have a bruise to calm her down

" kitten I would never ever! Reject you, you are my little mate and your so beautiful scars and all " she looked into my eyes biting her bottom thinking them tears brimmed her eyes

"W-what did I do? I'm sorry I'm sorry" I kissed her little hand and tingles erupted everywhere making her tears fall then she speaks in the softest voice I've ever heard

"N-no d-don't be its ju-just.. No o-one has ever said that to me be-before"

I needed to pamper this girl with so much love

Emily's pov-

The man smiled and I melted right there wiping my eyes I said

"M-my name is Emily what I-is yours?"

He traced my hand with his thumb making me go in a little trance feeling something good for once

"You have such a beautiful name Emily, my name is Brendon"

I nodded not being able to think straight as he traced patterns on the palm of my hand slowly

"That's.. Also a-a good name" I blushed lightly when he smiled up at me but then he suddenly grew a serious face

"May I ask for you to tell me who sis this to you?"

I suddenly froze thinking of all the people in my pack who treated me like a piece of rotten meat

He saw my discomfort and sat next to me the mate pull getting stronger as I leaned toward him wanting to feel the comforting tingles once again he obliged and sat me in his lap I put my head against his chest hearing the soothing sound of his heart beat and did patterns on his chest as I said

"It was m-my pack all of them a-accept the children who didn't know better.."

He nodded and cautiously put his arms around me careful to not hurt me

I sighed as I snuggled against him my eyes closing a little then I felt him chuckle a nice rumble in his chest then his hand soothingly rubbed against my back

"You go to sleep kitten I'll make sure you'll be safe and still in my arms" I nodded feeling the pull of sleep beckoning me in

Brendon's pov- (srry am I changing it to much?)

I sighed in content as I stared down at my little Emily

She was just to beautiful and I was going to make sure her pack was tortured but first I had to question the alpha him knowing what was going on probably

I carried her to my room resting her small body on my king sized bed she snuggled closer to the blankets like she had never been in one

I smiled and laid down next to her, her body instantly snuggling against mine

My wolf howled in pleasure as I hugged her close to me her small frame fitting into mine so her head was on my chest

I few minutes later she started to tremble violently and whimper

Oh no please no don't cry please don't cry that will break me if you do

I shook her shoulders gently

"Emily Emily please wake up it is just a nightmare please"

She sat up and covered her face with her hands as she screamed my heart shattering as I saw her sob and scream out


I sat up and hug her to my chest cooing sweet reassuring words into her ear rubbing her back as she soaks my shirt with tears

"Y-you le-left me with th-them.. Y-you la-laughed at me sa-saying I w-was stu-stupid"

My wolf whimpers with pain and I look into her eyes filled with tears

"I will never ever do that do you understand? Never!"

Then she nodded and hugged my tightly then she pulled back and wiped her soft fingers on my soaked shirt

"I-I ruined your shirt"

I chuckled and caressed her cheek gently
"It's alright darling now would you like something to eat?"

she looked up at me and nodded eagerly

I frowned slightly " how long has it been sense you had a full meal?"

She looked down at her body ashamed and said

" sense I was 7 I think... If a small bottle of water and an apple counts about two months ago I think.."

I instantly ran into the kitchen her in my arms bridle style and told the chef to make an amazing meal for her new Luna which made Emily blush

I smile down at her and kiss her forehead

Me and my wolf said at the same time

We have such a beautiful mate

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