Chappy 15

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(Sorry was fangirling over this aND AAAAAAAAAAA OTP)

Emily's pov-

As the smoke cleared from around me I looked to Brendon and saw he was just plain confused as he stared at each side of me repeatedly, what was there to look at though?

I looked, and well there you have it Darcy and willow where at my sides with Darcy looking terrifying as always and a majestic Willow in all their glory

They slowly looked over at me and once this processed both of them clung onto my arms and yelled "SHES MINE" I winced in pain at them clutching onto me and they loosened their hold whispering and muttering their sorry's

"Wait, who are these people" oh gosh I forgot about Brendon, he must be so confused. And just as I thought when I looked over at Brendon he was clutching his head with his hand and he was counting me and Darcy and Willow on fingers

I giggled at him cause he looked so darn adorable "Brendon meet my dark side and my light side this is Darcy and Willow" they both smiled at Brendon but Darcy's was a little more... Creepy

He nodded his head and the moon goddess decided it was time for us to know what was going on cause she began

"Now, as I was saying Emily is a very special child, she choose both Darcy and Willow, this has never happened before in history so this is a new experience, you are a experience and I would like for you to be careful with your new power because no one knows how this will turn out, not even me now I'm going to send you all back to reality. Right now you both are sleeping, once we got here you fell asleep, that's when Brendon saw me."

I was shocked, I could actually do that? But other then my sore muscles and bones, I felt amazing

"And little Emily don't worry about your parents it wasn't your fault your mother and father died so please don't blame yourself"

Oh, yeah I forgot, well I hope they are alright in heaven

As my world began to dim Brendon's eyes began to close but not before stumbling over to me and holding me close

That's when it all went dark


"Emily, sweetie please wake up" I heard a faint voice I recognized as Brendon's and instantly my eyes flew open revealing his face close to mine, his eyes filled with worry. I just giggled and smiled hugging him tightly and rolling him over so I was on top of him

"I did it! I did it! I didn't kill them they are okay!" I kept rambling on and on and Brendon started laughing with me hugging me close and wiping tears off my face I didn't know where there before he did

"Your right! I'm so proud of you Emily you did it!" He smashed his lips on mine and I happily kissed back moving slowly but sweetly the kiss being innocent that tasted like sugar and spice

Once we ran out of breath I happily looked into his eyes, our breathing mixed

"I love you," I whisper

"I love you too" he whispers back

I smiled happily and giggled as he kissed me all over my face "ahh!" I screamed childishly as he got on top of me and started kissing down my cheek to my neck then got lower making me blush and laugh at the same time

He just smirked playfully and picked me up bride style spinning on his heels and laughing at my little shoves at his chest "haha! Stop it your gonna drop me!" He just ran towards the pack house and kept swinging me in his arms on his heels in little circles on his way

Once we got in view of the house everyone cheered at the sight of me, which made my ears hot and my face nuzzle into Brendon's neck, I just got even more red when he chuckled huskily

"Your Luna is back and better than ever everyone!" He howled to the sky and everyone returned it, even the small children did little woo's

I grinned and got out of Brendon's arms running and stumbling to a rock and climbing it to the top which was easy at the moment sense I didn't have shoes on, just bare feet

Once I got to the top I sang loudly for all to hear

" tonight we are victorious! Champaign pouring over us, all my friends where glorious! Tonight we are victorious!" At the end I howled to the sky with everyone and jumped around with my arms in the air and soon found Brendon on top with me as he picked me up and swung me in a circle

Wow, that

Was amazing

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