Happy Birthday X Kil~

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This chapter may cause feels, Fangirl, laughs, Wtf's and possibly tears.. Idk.. I'm not good at writing cutesy stuff ._.

Give opinions? :3

NOW ON TO THE STORY and stuffz  \._./


"Gon! Stop pulling!"

"Sorry, in a hurry" Gon pulled Killua through town. Pushing through big groups of people

"Sorrry! Gon watch where you're pulling me!"

"We're gunna miss it!" Gon pulls faster

"Where are you taking me?!" Killua asked as Gon stopped at a crosswalk.

"Come on,come on, COME ON"

"Gon where are we going?" The light changes from a red hand to a person. Gon Pulls Killua As he dashes past the other people crossing. Killua Looked behind them as Gon continued to pull. All of the sudden Gon stopped causing Killua to fall into him.

"We're here"

"H-here as in w-where?" Killua asked catching his breath.

"The candy store" Gon smiled brightly as Killua looked up.

"They're having a huge sale so I thought I could take you here before they closed" Killua smiled

"LETS GO!" and raced into the store dragging Gon behind him

-4 hours later-

"I can't believe they kicked me out" Killua pouted and puffed his cheeks clutching on to the candy bags he held in his arms.

"Well you did eat almost everything.." Gon sweat drops

"Well I told them I'd pay for all of it" He pouted again.

"I bought all that Killua and I don't have the kind of jenny to pay for the whole store" Gon laughed

"Hmph" Killua puffed his cheeks again and stuffed a Kit Kat bar in his mouth.

"I dunt undwerstund why thuey kicked mew out doe (I don't understand why they kicked me out though)" Gon smiled and looked at killua who had the Kit Kat hanging out of his mouth as he talked.

"I wike canwdy so wh-" Killua got stopped by Gon grabbing his shoulder and taking a bite out of the kit Kat bar hanging out of his mouth. Killua's hair puffed up

"YOU COULD'VE ASKED FOR A PIECE YOU KNOW!! BAKA" Gon stuck his tongue out.

Walking to the doors of the apartment building they lived in Killua was eating more chocolate. As they got in the elevator Killua started laughing.. for no reason.

"Killua? Are you sure they didn't give you drugs... Drugs are bad you know?" Killua Stopped laughing and pointed at Gon

"I'M NOT ON DRUGZZ" Gon sweat dropped

"Then you're candy high.." Gon paused and looked at Killua who was hanging upside down from the ceiling. "Defiantly.... don't stab holes in the ceiling Baka!" Gon looks at him.

"Oi Gon!" Killua hopped down and pressed the stop button on the elevator.

"Killua!? What are you-"

"Gon, You Have a nice butt to be perfectly honest" Killua was now in Gon's face. Gon glared off to the side

"Thanks.. now can we get the elevator moving?" Gon reached for the button but killua stopped him.

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