Mind X Games

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Killua's POV
I wake up to talking in the kitchen. I stretch and stand. Running my fingers through my hair I walk into the kitchen.

"He's supposedly still in this ar.. Killua"

"Kurapika..?" I rub my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I walk to the table. He looks to Gon and gathers the papers that were sitting on the table.

"Just talking about a job" I sit

Third person POV

"Ohh~ Can i go?" Killua smiles at Kurapika. Kurapika avoids eye contact.

"Umm You sure your better?" Kurapika didn't need to ask. They know his answer. but they know the truth.

"Well yeah! i'm good"

"Killua," Gon spoke softly "Your not bette-" killua crossed his arms and inturupted gon.

"I'm Good." He hissed. Kurapika looked at gon. He's frowning.

"Why not you two go together?" Both boys looked at Kurapika causing him to gulp.

"i'm good." KIllua closed his eyes and spoke sturnly.

"what he said.." Gon looked sadly to the side with his hands in his lap.

The thing Kurapika and gon were both thinking was 'Whats wrong with killua?'

Few minutes later

"Here's your job kil-"

"Thanks" Killua yanked the paper out of kurapikas hand and walked out the door. Gon just stared at his feet.

"here." Kurapika handed him a paper. Gon looked at it then at kurapika.

"Blank?" Kurapika nodded.

"i'm giving you a job.." gon looked up at him confused.

Killua's POV

I'm pushing gon away AGAIN..

What is with me..

I'm gripped the side of my head. People passing by looked at me funny. I don't care.. i grab my blue earbuds and put them in. Scrolling through my music i click on Twenty one pilots - Stressed Out. Then i decided it wasn't the song i wanted to listen to at the moment. so i changed it too ALT-J - Breezeblocks.

I stop at the crosswalk waiting for the light to change when i see the man.. across the road... Narrowing my eye to make sure it's really him but all i see is his smile is widening.

"He's found me.." I say under my breath as the light changes. Everyone starts walking. i turn around and push through the big group of people.

Third person POV

Killua pushes through the people screaming "PLEASE MOVE" And "OUTTA MY WAY!" Almost falling when he reached the last bit of people. he looks around and spots an alley. Running to it he looks back and doesn't see the man. running around the corner he runs into a stack of boxes. tripping and scraping his knee. Struggling as he gets up he continues to run.

Finally Killua hides behind a dumpster. The music still playing in his ears. Killua rips the headphones out and pulls at his hair.

"He wasn't there... he couldn't have found me..." Killua hides his face in his hands and brings his knees up. "Gon.. help me..." Killua says softly as he buries his face in his knees and starts crying.

Gon's POV
"I'm giving you a job" I tilted me head to the side.
"What is it?"
"Follow killua" I raised an eyebrow.

"Can't you see he hates me.. And plus he's an assassin.. He'll notice me right aw-"
"No. He won't. He's got to much on his mind. Now go before you lose him" Kurapika walked to the kitchen.

"O-okay.." I run out the door and down the hall. Looking at the elevator I see it's going to the first floor.

"Killua." I run to the stairs and push open the door. Nobody really uses the stairs unless emergency. I guess this could be an emergency..

I jump down each flight of stairs skipping 8 at a time. When I reach the first floor I open the door slightly and spot Killua walking out of the elevator.

"I feel like a stalker.." I whisper to myself.

Killua walks out the front door and I follow. Not to close tho. He'd recognize me.

He looks lonely.. Depressed.
He grips the side of his head as people walk by.
'What's wrong with him..?'

He pulls his blue earbuds out of his pocket and puts them in. Then starts walking again.
I follow in the small group of people behind him.

Stopped at a crosswalk it looks like he starts panicking. When the lights changes he turns around and starts walking towards me. I can't do anything I'm surrounded by people.
"PLEASE MOVE!" He pushes the lady in front of me and runs right into me. Then just pushes me to the side.
I watch him run to an alley.
"Killua.." I decided to go the other way in the alley.
I run around the building and to the back. Seeing it's a restaurant I could probably hide behind garbage bins if I really needed to. As I walk deeper in the alley I hear Killua talking.

"He wasn't there... he couldn't have found me..." I walk closer to the dumpster. "Gon.. help me..." Killua says softly I kneel by the dumpster and look at him. He's burying his face into his knees. And crying..?
I sigh softly so he couldn't hear. I stand and walk towards him. Stepping on a can and making it roll to Killua on accident.

Killua's POV
I hear a noise and look up slightly from my knees. Still covered by my hair.
I see a can hit my feet.
I look to the corner of the dumpster and see green boots walking towards me. I jerk my head up and am face to face with Gon. Eyes still watering.
He smiles lightly at me and wipes the tears.

"Killua.. Why are you crying?" I wipe my face and glare up at him.
"Why are you here? Did you follow me?" He nodded
"Yeah.. It was my job" I look to the side.
"Tch, stalker" Gon puffs his cheeks and glares at me.
"Hey! It was Kurapika's idea Not mine!" I giggle.

"Sure it was, stalker" Gon pouts again.

"Hmm?" He looks at me.
"I- never mind" I stood and put my hands in my pockets.
"Let's g-"
"Killua.." Gon was hugging me from behind.
"Y-yeah..?" I stuttered.
"Can you tell me what's wrong..?" I lowered my head.
"I can't"
"WHY NOT??" Gon hugged me tighter.

"I just can't okay.. Don't ask" I turn around and lift his chin up. He's crying..

"Gon.. Don't cry.. Are you a baby?" He puffed his cheeks once more.
"Looks whose talkin!" We both laugh.

"I just can't tell you yet.. Okay Gon?" Gon lowers his head.
"Okay.. Just make sure you tell me soon!" He skips out of the alley and waves at me. I walk slowly towards him.
'He's a special person to me. And it hurts not telling him. But him knowing what happened... He wouldn't be him For awhile.'

Next chapter - Promise X Ging


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