Chapter Two Together Again

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Quick shoutout to my family if their reading this I love you guys and I know you love me so please don't take offense to this:) Plus I do like none of this.
Time Skip 11 years later
Emma's POV
I was lying on my bed staring at my ceiling with a blank expression. Another day, another seven hours of school, another shouting match between my big sister and my dad, and another eight hours of sleep, ten if I'm lucky. I got up to make breakfast, feed the dog, take the dog to the bathroom, then get ready to go to school. I walked downstairs to start breakfast only to find that it was already made, the dog's food bowl was empty but I could tell he had eaten, and he was lying asleep on his bed. What had happened? I grabbed a plate, took some bacon and pancakes, and sat down to eat. Had mom gotten up early? If so she must have been in a rush so she couldn't have fed the dog and taken him out. So who did this? It was then that I heard someone breathing, it wasn't me or my dog. I got up and looked around the family room. Sitting on one of the couches was a man. He had half moon spectacles, a long white beard, long robes, and a kind smile.
    "Why hello there Emma, I heard it was your eleventh birthday today."
I nodded and asked "Not to be rude but who are you and how do you know my name and birthday?"
He just chuckled, "I know many things Emma, but today you will learn a few more. Even though you are the top of you class." I blushed
"And as for my name, you may call me Dumbledore. Now tell me, have you ever heard of magic?"
"Well, some people are special compared to others they can make things happen when they are angry or scared or happy. Have those sort of things happened to you?"
I nodded at a loss for words.
"Well my dear I am very pleased to tell you that you are a witch and have been accepted to a school of magic. "
I gaped at him. A school for magic? As if. This is probably just some prank. Then he spoke again, "Go get your things, we are leaving in half of an hour."
"Leaving? Where are we going?"
  "That my dear, is something you must find out. Unless you would rather stay of course."
I studied him for a while. How did he know I hated it here? I didn't question it, because all I heard was freedom. I practically flew up the stairs to get my stuff. I was grabbing my suitcase when a trunk came flying in.
"Use this it will fit more."
I looked up to see him standing over me with a stick in hand. "Uh, okay." I said opening the case and packing stuff in it. When I was done I tried to pick it up but it was too heavy. Dumbledore levitated it and we walked out without the slightest of a sign we were even there.
We travelled to London and I looked at a list of school supplies, wand, cauldron, dragon hide gloves, this was nuts.
"Um Dumbledore, do you know who they are?" I asked pointing at a giant man and a scrawny boy who looked strangely familiar. Dumbledore chuckled.
"The man is Hagrid and the boy... is your brother."
My heart skipped a beat.
"My brother?" I said weakly.
"Yes. You two were separated when you were babies."
"Oh, what's his name?" I asked.
"His name is Harry. Together you are Harry and Emma Potter."
"Yes. It was your parents' last name."
We kept walking and soon came face to face with them. He must have asked Hagrid the same question because he threw his arms around me and cried,"Emma!" I engulfed him in a hug and when we pulled apart I studied his face. We were the exact same height, same untamable black hair, same emerald green eyes, same faces, he really was my twin brother. I let a few tears slip out, I was so happy. I finally had a family member who cared about me. Then Dumbledore spoke, "I'm afraid I must leave you now. Emma you are to stay with Hagrid and Harry until term starts tomorrow." I nodded, he didn't have to worry about me leaving, I didn't think I ever would.

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