The Life of Jessica Gilbert (A Vampire Diaries Fanfic)

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I sneer from the bushes as I watch my twin sister, Elena Gilbert, walk out of her house. Oh look, it's little miss perfect. I think to myself, rolling my eyes. I have been watching her for months from afar, every single second out of hatred. Why do I hate her? Oh gee, where do I begin? Such a long time ago, me and Elena were born to my birth mother, Isobel. Everything was fine, but the thing is, my mother was only expecting Elena. I was unwanted. My mother didn't want two, but she insisted we stay together. We were actually with my birth mom for a couple months, but those months were torture. She favored Elena, she bought her all the new clothes, I got all of the puked stain Elena clothes. She got fresh out of the microwave food, I got her cold left overs. Once my mother finally had a plan to get rid of us, she did. She brought us to the Gilbert household and left us there. But, it was only me. They catered me for months, made me feel amazing and special, me being the only child. It was all going great until one Sunday morning, my mother left Elena at the door step too. Heck, I wasn't doing that all over again. I didn't have to, because one night, Damon Salvatore took me away and brought me to his home.

Now, Damon isn't all that. He's handsome with his messy black hair and piercing grey-blue eyes, he's sweet, but he is evil. He is a creature, a creature that is unpopular around this area, a vampire. They feed off human blood, any human they could find. However, Damon has developed this relationship with me. I don't know why, but he doesn't feed on me. In fact, sometimes he slips up and calls me Katherine. I let it slide, only because I'm undeniably attracted to him.

"Jessica, we have to leave, pack your stuff." He tells me one day, out of the blue.

"Why Damon? Where are we going?" I ask, starting to get my clothes, waiting patiently for a reply.

"To my hometown, Mystic Falls, to live with my brother Stefan and my uncle Zach." He watches me slowly pack, as he has all of his things ready to go in three split seconds. He rolls his eyes and walks into my room. "Here, let me." He turns into a blur and when he des appear again, my stuff is packed neatly into three big suitcases.

I smile. "Thank you." I say, helping him carry the bags to his car. When we are all packed, we go on our way.


We park outside of a big, victorian house. My breath catches in my throat. "Wow." I sigh, admiring the beauty.

"Help me carry these bags in," he demands. I obey, bringing the bags inside. I stop in the doorway, there is no way I'm finding my way around this place. Damon walks in beside me, closing the door. "Stefan?" He calls out, his angel like voice echoing across the house.

Just a second later, a boy, assumingly Stefan, walks into the room we are in. He is just as attractive as Damon, but in a completely different way. He has thick, dirty blonde hair, that's slicked back just enough to be hot. To top off his perfect hair, he has forest green eyes and a perfect jaw line. Not to mention his amazing body. "Katherine?" His deep voice echoes, his eyes locked on me.

I shake my head, being called that so many times by Damon, I don't think anything of it. "No, I'm Jessica Gilbert." I correct him, smiling friendly.

He gives Damon a dirty look. "Really Damon?" He retorts.

Damon gives a laidback shrug as his reply. He puts his hand on my shoulder and he looks at me. When I catch his stare he starts doing this eye thing that he does all of the time, I am not sure what it does though. "Go put these bags in any empty room you can find." He says slowly.

I nod my head, completely oblivious as I pick up the bags. I drop one just around the corner when I hear Stefan and Damon talking. I press my back against the wall and listen. "Are you compelling her? Are you feeding off her?" Stefan's voice rings.

"I dont believe that's any of your buisness."

"She looks exactly like her, you're crazy! If this is your way of trying to fill the empty space, you've gone mad."

"Sh, you don't have to worry. Everything is under control."

For the second time today, my breath seems to disappear and I pick up the bags, hurrying them into the first empty room I could find. What does he want with me? I say, looking at the scarred teeth marks on my wrist I got from falling repeatedly. That's clumsy me.

"Jessica!" Damon's voice calls. "Come back now." He yells to me. With shaky hands I walk out of the room, I see Damon's already waiting for me. He grabs my face and looks me in the eyes. "You will not tell Stefan anything. Whats my reason for keeping you?"

I look into his dazzling grey eyes. "You love me."

"What are those marks from?"

"Falling, I'm awfully clumsy."

"Good," he says, grinning and walking away from me.

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