Bonding Time

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I shake my head, dizzy and lost. "What just happened?" I whisper to myself. What did Damon just say to me? I decide to shake it off, thinking it doesn't matter. I walk back out to the room we were in before and only Stefan is there. He looks up at me as I walk in. "Come here Jessica," he says, gesturing. I walk over to him and sit on the sofa, his amazing scent drifting over to me. 

"Yes Stefan?" I ask, putting my hands in my lap, not wanting to temper him.  

"Why does Damon keep you with him?"  

"He loves me," I reply, so quickly and automatically I surprise myself. He nods, chuckling to himself. "Why is that so funny?" I snap. He ignores my question and moves my hair and looks at the scars on my neck, then looking at them on my wrist. 

"How'd you get these?" 

"I fell, I'm awfully clumsy," I repeat, just as I did to Damon. He looks at me sorrowfully.  

"Jessica, you need to get out of here, he's going to hurt you." He says, emphasizing the word hurt. "You're just another one of his toys. Damon is hurting you. He isn't who you think he is." 

I let his words sink in then give him a dirty look. "You know nothing." 

"I know everything, I know him better, he doesn't have a good part in him, no love."  

"He loves ME." I scream. 

"No, he doesn't." He looks at me thoroughly. "Are you actually Jessica? I know you're not Katherine but you look a lot like someone I know."  

"Of course I'm Jessica! Jesus, Stefan!"  

He looks at my and puts his hand on my leg. "Damon and I have not had the easiest life. Us being vampires wasn't exactly planned. He wants you because you look like a girl he loved, Katherine. You need to get out of here." 

I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever." I say, getting up and walking upstairs. I somehow wander into Damon's room, guessing it was his childhood room. I poke around his shelves and pick up a book on his bedside table. I open it and a picture of a girl falls out. I curiously pick it up, I gasp and lose by balance, sitting on his bed. The girl in the picture, she's beautiful. Brown flowing hair, pretty brown eyes, perfect natural face, and looks exactly like me. I cover my mouth and whimper, who is that? That was most definitely not me.  

"What are you doing in here?" Damon's wonderful voice makes it's way to me.  

I hold up the picture, "Who is this Damon?" When I hold it up, I see on the back of the picture there's a date, 1862, and a name. Katherine. I gasp, dropping the picture. "This is Katherine? You're keeping me because I look like Katherine?"  

His eyes don't look apologetic at all as he suddenly appears in front of me. "No, I'm keeping you because I want to find out where Katherine, and you my dear will draw people's attention to you, and they might no where Katherine is." He says, reaching his hands up to my neck and making a fast motion, my neck cracking and I drop to the floor, motionless. 


I wake up in a different room, on a different bed. Damon is sitting on a chair next to me. "Look who's finally awake."  

"Damon.." I sigh in relief, kissing him passionately. I pull away and rest my forehead against his. "I was so worried I would never see you again."  

He smirks into the kiss, brushing a piece of hair out of my face. "That would never happen Jessica," he replies, rubbing my neck. A shock of pain shoots through where he's rubbing and all the way down my spine. 

"Ouch, that hurts. What happened?" I ask, removing his hand and rubbing it myself. 

He shrugs. "I killed you," he replies casually. 

My eyes widen. "Oh my god, what? How am I alive?"  

"How do you think? It's obvious."  

"I-I'm a vampire?" I stutter, feeling my skin.  

"Yeah, you hungry?" He smiled evilly.  

I bite my lip and look down. "I have to drink someone's blood, don't I?" 

"Well you don't have to, but you'll die," he says cockily. "Do you want to go or stay here? I need to eat too, and you need to eat to complete the transition." I nod and get up.  

"I can choose anybody? Anybody to suck the life out of?"  

"Yes, try to be reasonable though," he says, bringing me outside and starting to walk around the town. I look around the street we are walking on and I smell everyone's scent. Yum. Wait, I recognize this street. This is Elena's street. I start looking around for the house, then I see Stefan.  

"What's Stefan doing?" I ask. 

"I don't know, probably stalking this girl he's been obsessing over."  

"What's her name?" I ask, navigating his glance. I see him looking at a white house then it hits me. "Elena.." I murmur.  

Damon grabs my arm, knowing the look in my eye. "Jessica, even though I hate my brother, you're not killing who he likes."  

I smirk. "Oh trust me, I won't right now."  

"What does Elena mean to you anyway? How do you know--" He gets cut off when Elena walks outside, he looks at her then looks at me. "Oh, wow."  

I give her a death stare as she walks up to Stefan and greets him with a hug. Excitement suddenly rushes through my body as I look at Stefan. I smirk deviously. I know exactly how I'll get back at her.

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