A job with a Phantomhive

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I yawned and stretched as I slowly woke up. ~Man, last night really wiped me out...and I had another one of those dreams...~ Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes, checking my pocket watch I saw the time and my eyes widened. "Shoot! Its already 9?! I have to go buy food!"

 I quickly grabbed a simple white dress, a black cloak and my boots and rushed out of my room. I ran to my desk, which had a small stack of money, accompanied by another note. 

'Hey Red, another job well done, here's payment as promised' I smiled, and picked up the money, and pocketing the note, I sprinted out of the door. "Jason, you never fail me."

With the money I had just acquired, I decided to treat myself, so walking into a quaint little bakery, I selected a delicious caramel pastry and walked back down the roads to home. On the verge of taking a bite of my heavenly food, I saw a woman begging on the side of the road. No one was giving her a second glance, even though she also had two children with her. I glanced at my pastry, then back at the woman and sighed. Strolling over towards her, I knelt in front of her and smiled gently. Holding out my caramel roll, I put it in her hand. "Here, this is for you and your children." She looked up at me gratefully. "Thank you young miss, we appreciate it very much." I waved it off "ah, no problem, the nobles here are selfish anyway, I couldn't bear to watch you starve."

 As I started to wander away she called out behind me, "may God bless your kind soul." I nearly choked in shock at her sweet words and mumbled bitterly, "like God would bless someone like me."

 Dejectedly, I sauntered off only to be called by someone else. "Hey, you! Come here, I'm talking to you." "What do you want?" I snapped, turning around. My eyes widened as I saw it was the boy and his butler from yesterday. "You live on the streets right?" The boy asked. "No, I live in a house actually." I retorted, the boy continued "so I'm guessing you might have knowledge on street killers and gangs. The likes of that." "Yes?" I said cautiously. ~I don't like where this conversation is going~ "but what has that got to do with me?" I asked. Him and his butler stepped closer "I am working on a case, about the two consecutive murders of two nobles, and I could do with some inside information." I stifled a laugh, "Im guessing you want to find the murderer?" "yes, she is dubbed as The Assassin of Red."

~Ah, so that's what they call me...quite fitting actually~ 

"ah yes, I might have some information on her."

"Good, come to my Manor at exactly two o'clock tomorrow afternoon and we can discuss evidence." I furrowed my eyebrows "How can I come to your Manor if I don't even know who you are?" He straightened up and replied proudly "I am the Earl, Ciel Phantomhive." I nodded and tilted my head towards his butler, "and what is your name? If I may." He gave me a closed eye smile and said "I am his butler, Sebastian Michaelis." I smiled at this until Ciel interrupted, "and could you be so kind to tell us your name?" 

~Damn, I was hoping they'd just think I didn't have a name, I can't say my name is Red, they'd suspect right away~ "Uh..my name is...Thalia." Earl Phantomhive and his butler raised an eyebrow at this. "Is that so? Well I trust you should be able to find your way to my masters Manor tomorrow." Said Sebastian, "yeah, yeah." I said, starting to walk away "see you tomorrow." Smirking slightly I began to sing a new tune that had appeared in my dreams~

Understand I'm losing faith,
reminding self there are no saints.
Comprehend I'm through with running.
And I can't stop, my long for belief,
It goes.
Oh, I felt so lost and deceived,
How will we rest in peace?

As I walked into the slowly filling streets, with the burning stares of the Butler and his master bearing holes into my back.

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