Chapter 3

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We stepped out into the chilly cold air. My hands were freezing cold, I rubbed them together and blew my hot breath onto them.

My parents and I practically ran to the car. When I look up I see little snow flakes falling from the clouds.

My mother was is awe. " first snowfall. That means that by morning it's going to be 2 inches of snow." My dad says.

We got in the car. As soon as we got in my dad turned on the hot air. The car started to get warmer and I wasn't shaking anymore.

" we really need to move out of this state. It's way to cold." I said irritated.

Well honey we soon will. " how's your searching for colleges going?" I stared out the window.

I didn't want to go to college for the simple fact that I would have eternity to do so. " yeah it's getting there, dad. I just want to find the perfect one."

" you know you should become a lawyer like your mother and I. Maybe pass the family title down." 

That word.. Family. It has a meaning, I have a family, but it's not the same.. Yes Harold and Megan raised me since I was a baby but who would give up there child.. I've been asking me that same question for 9 years. 

I love Megan and Harold but to keep this secret from them. That I'm a vampire has always been something I feel ashamed of. Maybe if I was Normal I could love them more and not always think that if they knew they would never love me.

I sighed. " of course dad. Just me explore my options first."

My dad turned around in his seat. "I want you to be happy Kat. Do something you love to do."

I gave them a warm smile.

We were about to reach a small bridge, I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach again. What is wrong with me..

My moms phone rang.

" Hello." She answered

I heard a lady talking.

Mother started smiling and laughing. "Ok Karin, it will done don't worry about it."

She ended the call.

I hear a honk of a truck. When I look forward I see a black Ford truck coming straight at us. "MOM!" I yelled.

She started the panic. She tried to push the breaks but it wasn't working. The snow made it hard to see. All of a sudden I just see two head lights, the bright hitting my eyes.

My heart raced out of chest. You know the flashbacks you have before dying.. I didn't get one. In just one second the car tipped over and into the water of the lake that we were crossing.

The water was finning up the car. My parents had blood all over there heads from the crash. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and tried to get them out. The car was completely under water. I broke open a window and got my mom out I went to surface. I breathed in cold air.

My mother was out cold. I left her on an edge of the bridge. Diving back into the water and trying to get my dad out. I checked his pulse to see if he was alive. I couldn't find a heart beat.

I looked at him for a while. Remembered what he had said to be just a few minutes ago. "I want you to be happy."

I got his body and took him to the surface. I put him with my mother.

The harsh weather wasn't helping. They were wet, cold and dead.

"Come on mom!" I gave her CPR but it wasn't working. I have probably already broken a rib.


Hot tears ran down my cheeks. This can't be happening.. Maybe this was all a dream, maybe I was still in that hospital passed out. "This can't be happening.." I curled but next to the two corpses.

" this can't be happening..."


I'm sorry if this was sad but, this is what sets all the story! Thanks for reading ♥️📖

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