Chapter 17

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My started to hurt extremely bad. I felt pounding on the side of my head and my body feeling sore. The side of my hip was hurting, like if I have broken it. I couldn't keep in the pain.

I yelled a little bit and fell to floor. Boris quickly came to my side. "What's happening?" I asked.

" your going to change into your wolf." I gasped for air. My lungs needed air! I Couldn't breath!

" I need to take you somewhere open. You will have to run when you turn into your wolf." Boris held me in his arms and he ran down the stairs. The elevator would take to long.

I screamed in pain. Boris was running at all speed. We got out side and he didn't even take his car. He just ran. My body cracked. My arm twisted and tears exclaimed my eyes.

" Boris.." I said in between my screaming. "It's ok. I'm here. Just hold on a little more." I tried holding in the pain I had. Boris was running and zig zagging through people. We finally got to a near by forest, I would say it looked like a forest.

My body aches so much! My throat hurt from screaming and my body felt so weak.

" you need blood." Boris said out of know where. " what.." He rolled up his sleeve and held his arm to my mouth.

" you need both sides of your self to become a wolf. You need blood to survive. You haven't fed blood for weeks. Ever since you have been here I have never smelled of seen blood. Drink up."

" Boris.." I said weakly. " Kat please, your going to die if you don't!" He held his arm to my mouth.

My fangs came out. I haven't done this for a while. I felt so ashamed to be a vampire, mostly that I have a mate, I feel more wolf that vampire.

Boris's blood filled my dry mouth. It was sweet. Why didn't I taste the metal? I drank barley anything. I didn't want to hurt him. With the little about of blood I drank, my body felt stronger.

I was still changing, my hip, spine, arm, leg.. It all seemed different. I was standing with for paws. Brown fur and I felt warmth.

Boris changed into his wolf to. We were the same size, usually the alpha is the biggest wolf than any other wolf. But I'm a hybrid, I'm stronger than the rest I guess in some way.

I wonder how my body is going to react now that I'm a full on wolf. Maybe I will get stronger, vampires are fast, strong. But so are wolfs. How does this affect me?

I started to walk and I fell a few times. Boris helped me up and guided me. Suddenly I started to walk a little fast, then faster and faster. I didn't even notice that I was running. I was going way to fast. Boris was right by my side.

Do you think I can out run you?

I mind linked Boris.

Oh please Kat, I've been doing this whole being a wolf since I was born. I'm way faster than you.

He sounded very cocky.

Let's see!

I stared sprinting. My body not growing tired, it felt so good. The cool air hitting my face, my paws hitting the dirt ground.

It felt so good! I stopped running and looked back, Boris wasn't here. Where was he? I started to get worried and afraid.

Boris? Where did you go?

"Behind you." I jumped and faced the naked man in front of me. If he could see my human face right now.. Oh god, can my wolf make weird expressions with my wolf snout and furry face?

How do I turn back to human form?

"Relax your wolf, lay down and breath." I did as he said. Suddenly I felt my body shift. It hurt but not as much as the first time.

My naked body laid of the ground. I felt so tired and weak, I just wanted sleep..

"Let's go back home. I need to be there in the morning. I have to announce you to be Luna. It can't wait anymore Kat." I nodded.

I tried coving my body. "Love, I've seen you naked. It's the best sight ever." I rolled my eyes.

"What if someone comes.. A guy." He growled. Boris quickly picked my up and we returned to where we were before.

There was my riper T-shirt on the floor. I frowned. My favorite bra ripped to shreds.

" don't worry Kat, I will but you a new one when we get home." I gave him a wide grin.

He tossed me his T shirt and he picked me up. "You know I can walk?" He looked down at me. "I know. I just lie having you in my arms. "

Smooth. Very smooth Boris.

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