When Two Different Worlds Collide!

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I threw a punch to the side, and kicked another werewolf in the face, with a round house kick. The wolf crumbled to the ground, obviously knocked out. I ran towards an empty building, and squatted under a window. I was breathing heavily, as I looked around the building. It was wrecked, due to the raging battle outside. The old, grey couch was torn apart, fluff coming out of every cushion. The drawers from a little table were scattered all over the floor. Shattered mirror pieces covered the floor, and pierced through my knees. I grabbed a small piece of mirror, and looked at myself.

I had a large cut on my lip, where the blood had dried up. I had baby blue eyes, which were filled with concern at the moment. I had no idea where the rest of my coven was. They had all left me alone with a dozen werewolves to fight off. 1 girl with 12 strong boys. I managed to fight many of them off. But the rest of them ran off crying like little girls. Ha. Serves them right.

My pin straight, black hair was messy. Of course, after all that fighting. My tall, slim body was a perfect punching machine. The boys in my coven liked me, but they also feared me, because I was one of their best fighters. And if they messed with me, they would get hurt.

I decided that it was about time I got back out there to fight those stupid werewolves. Our Batalia coven had gotten into a- little misunderstanding- with the Mysterio Pack. They believed that we had started the war between us. But we know it was them! And so it began. Our stupid battle that caused my bloody lip. I better get back out there.

I ran back outside the building, and stayed near a wall. I kept my eyes on every building, every window, every door. Any movement would be noticed.They wouldn't escape from me. Not this time. I had the honour of my coven to keep. I slid into a dark alley, and crouched down. My black pants and black tank top would definitely keep me hidden.

I stood in the darkness, waiting for my next victim to walk out into the open. I was too quick for them.

I heard feet shuffling, and my vampire senses came into gear. Finally! I was getting hungry for werewolf blood! My mouth watered as I thought about that stupid werewolf's blood. I heard some foot steps behind me, and before I could turn around, I felt something cold and hard hit my head with a lot of force.

A crow bar. Very hard. Easy to knock someone out with. Before I was forced to close my eyes, a figure stepped out of the shadows, and I tried to remember as much as I could about the figure.

Brown hair. Messy and unclean. Turquoise eyes. Tinted with black. Tall, about 6 foot 3.

And before I knew it, I was submerged into the darkness. All my senses were out of order. It's like my brain stopped functioning. My whole body was shut down.


"What will we do with that filthy vampire?"

"Mark will decide what her final punishment will be. But we still get to torture her! Filthy bloodsuckers.."

They're gone. Finally.

My head was pounding. It felt like my heart was beating inside my head. But I didn't have a heart. No wonder I was such a killing machine. My heart stopped beating decades ago.

I finally managed to open my eyes, and found myself staring at a blinding white light. I lifted my head, but immediately regretted that movement. After a few minutes, I could lift my head up. My surroundings were odd. It looked a little like a cellar, and a laboratory at the same time. There were little machines everywhere, and beside them, was a door, which seemed padlocked. I guess that was the exit. I need to get out.

I tried lifting my arm up, but I failed. My eyes wandered down my arm, until I found the reason why I couldn't move. Hard, metal chains, holding me down. My legs, feet, arms, were tied up, as if I was a monster.

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