When Two Different Worlds Collide! Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



It took about an half an hour to get to the café, since it was on the outskirts of town. That only left 30 minutes for me to get ready. Physically and mentally. I did not want to go at all, but I did not have a choice. I needed to know why I had feelings for that mutt!

My blue jeans were slightly wrinkled, but they would do. I slipped on a cream colored turtle neck, which made my hair all frizzy from the static. Yes, even vampires have difficulties with that kind of stuff. I groaned, and wet my hair, making it look better, but not at its best. Whatever.

It was fairly cold today, and with my vampire senses, I could feel that we would be dealing with snow very soon. So I chose some boots to wear, and walked out of my room.

My family was not doing very much today. They never did. Elijah will most likely be moping around the house, sending winks to and fro, making the maids blush and faint. My father would be in his office, discussing with his officials, also known as my uncles, about the upcoming attack. My mother would just casually be reading in the sun room, which was specifically modified so that only small amounts of sun could seep into them room, so my mother would not get a sunburn.

Now, my room is beside my parents' room, and Elijah's room is after that. My father's office comes next, followed by a locked room which I have never been in before.I needed to get by his office without getting caught. What would the coven say, if they had found out that Aimee, the coven leader's daughter, was caught sneaking out! Just thinking about my punishment made me shudder.


Of course, my father would be too busy to notice, so here goes!

I peeked at the door, which was opened just a crack. Aimee, you got lucky. I walked by, without any difficulties.


Oh no.

"Y-yes father?"

"Are you going out?"

"Um.. Yes?"

I entered the room, to find my uncles and my father staring intently at me. This is it. They knew what I was up to! I was toast.

"Can you pick up some blood from the blood bank? We are out."

My body relaxed. That was close. Too close.

"AB Positive?"

"As always."

"Alright father. I will."

"Thank you."

I walked out, and sighed. When we couldn't get human blood, my dad would send me to the blood bank. I would get his blood, AB Positive, saying that he had a rare disorder, and needed blood often, in order to survive. Which was a white lie. He DID need it to survive.

Alright. Next room is my mother's sun room. The door was open all the way, and I could see her reading her book. Believe it or not, my dear mother was reading Twilight. She found is fascinating how fictional vampires sparkled. She even tried to put her arm in the sun light, to see if she sparkled. The only sparkle she got, was the sparkle of her sun burn. It was bad...

The best way to get by her was by running. Vampire style.

I took a deep breath, and zoomed by the door.


Not again.

"Yes mother?"

"Why are you running?"

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