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There he was standing.

After five years.

In front of his past lovers grave.

Tear drops falling from his cheek and hitting every pedal of the bouquet that consisted of Harry's favorite flower. Frangipani.

The letter in his hand, long ago crumbled from the strength of his fist.

He was angry. Angry at himself that he couldn't have stopped harry sooner.

Angry that he chose someone else over the love of his life.

Angry that he was able to hurt harry that much without even thinking twice about it.

Niall sat down on the bench behind him and reopened the letter he wrote for harry.

It wasn't just a letter. That tiny piece of paper consisted of the words that could have meant so much for harry.

His vows.

Niall starting reading his messy hand writing carefully.

Dear, Harry.

It's happening. The day has finally come. I can't believe it because this has always been a dream for me. When I grew up I was taught that dreams couldn't come true but you showed me that they could if I just believed hard enough. You made me believe again, love, have faith and trust. I know that I can trust you because you're always there when I need you. When I fell you picked me up. Yes it might sound cheesy but I would rather have a cheesy cliche relationship with you than with anyone else. Because if I wasn't with you then it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't be real love. I want to be there for you as much as you were for me. I'm so in love with you harry and I will be in love with you forever.

He stopped reading when he noticed a drop falling onto the thin paper, wiping away the tear.

Suddenly he remembered all the beautiful memories he had with harry. All the things they did together. The day when harry proposed to him. When they bought their first apartment. When they where thinking about adopting a child and all the fun things they would do as a family.

But Niall couldn't have those moments anymore, because he, was gone.

The only person who gave his life a meaning. A reason to wake up everyday with a smile on the face. The person who would constantly remind him how beautiful he was and how beautiful life could be. The person who showed him that there's not only evil in this world. That there is hope for everyone.

Niall got up and put the letter back in his pocket and the flowers on Harry's grave.


Ten years later::

Niall had found someone new. Someone who he loved. He didn't give up because he knew that this is what harry wouldn't have wanted for him.

Now Niall had a happy family and he knew harry would be proud of him for moving on. 

He loved his family. His husband and his two children.

But he also knew that he could never love anyone more than he loved harry.


I cried while writing this omfg.

But I just wanted to say that suicide is never the answer.

With this book i was trying to say that you should never give up.

That if something bad happens you should move on and live your life to the fullest.

If you guys need anyone to talk just message me wherever you want.

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And on here!

I couldn't stand the thought of any of you guys being hurt or worse.

And I want to thank you all so much for reading this story, voting and commenting.

I know it seems like such a small think but to me it means a lot.

I like reading your comments and your opinions on this book.

Votes and comments motivate me to keep writing because I know that there's people who actually care about my work and I want you guys to know that I care about you.

There is always someone who cares.

I love you.

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