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"Why have you been acting so strange lately anyway?" Vic asked me about a week after I had admitted to myself that I may like him slightly. We were having a free period in third hour to work on some homework, but instead everybody was chatting. Fortunately, my instructor had his head buried in his novel and hardly noticed the chatter. Holding my breath at Vic's question, I stopped writing in my notebook.

"I haven't been acting strange." I lied in retaliation, resuming to my school work. Vic didn't reply for several moments. I thought I was home free, so I consumed myself in my work and wrote a little faster. Suddenly, the lead from my mechanical pencil snapped and the word I was writing was smeared as Vic grabbed the pencil from my fingers. I watched in vexation as Vic twirled my pencil between his thumb and pointer finger, giving me a cheeky grin, one that I didn't return.

"Yes you have," Vic whispered, making sure our teacher wasn't watching us. I bit my tongue as Vic moved closer to me. "Your hands get all hot when I hold them now," Vic continued, amused. "And," I heard him say, but my thoughts were obstructed until I felt his thumb run against my flushed cheek which burned at his touch. Everything burned at his touch. "Your cheeks are turning pink." Vic concluded, his voice wavering in volume before he pulled his hand back. Nobody had noticed, except for me, of course. I was a mess, trying to contain how I felt about everything that just happened.

"It still makes me nervous when you do these things..." I whispered in response. It was true, everything about this made me nervous, but I knew that's not the reason I was continually on edge whenever he was around.

"Mhm... Or could it be that you're actually developing romantic feelings towards me?" Vic spoke freely without a seconds hesitation. I had a mental blockage as Vic interrogated me.

"W-What?" I stuttered, flustered as usual. "What would make you think that? Gross, no..." I added on, breaking the eye contact we held. Vic didn't push the conversation any further; he just smiled innocently before placing my pencil down and resuming to his work, as did I. Not a single word was uttered between us for the rest of the class.

Desperate to avoid speaking with Vic again, I was out of the classroom in a shot before the bell could even stop ringing. Vic was fast, though, and was caught up to me within seconds. My skin burned as his hand yanked on my upper arm, spinning me around. I let out a soft sigh.

"Not strange, huh?" Vic spoke lightheartedly. I wanted to protest, but before I could even open my mouth, Vic had pulled me out of the crowded main hall into an empty corridor. My back hit a wall rather harshly as Vic let go of me and placed his arms on the wall beside me. "Admit it, you like me." Vic demanded, his tone playful and amusing. I scoffed, trying to move, but he was quick to bring his hand to my chest and push me back.

"Vic, please move-"

"Not until you tell me you like me." He interrupted, stepping closer to me. I eyed his hands on either side of my head, mentally shouting for an escape.

"I can't admit a lie." I retaliated in pure annoyance. I thought I could hear faint footsteps, but that thought was soon forgotten as Vic moved even closer, his body pressed against my own. I lowered my head to the floor in embarrassment, but I soon felt Vic's fingers lock under my chin, making me look back up to him. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as Vic tilted my head even higher before he moved closer. I wanted to shove him back and run away, but my body felt somewhat numb and captivated in the moment as his lips brushed along mine before they crashed together hungrily. I didn't kiss back, but tried to wrap my mind about what was happening. It wasn't until Vic pulled away that everything made sense.

Mrs. Abram looked at us with a stern gaze. Of course, why else would he have actually kissed me? I looked back and forth between Mrs. Abram and Vic who held each other gazes. It wasn't long before I heard some oh so familiar words.

"My office, now."

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"It appears that neither of you took the hint from our previous conversation," Abram began, pacing back and forth as she usually did whenever she was really angry. Vic smiled quickly. "As I've told you before, I don't tolerate this kind of behavior at my academy. Last time I let you off with a warning; this time there will be consequences."

"Please continue." Vic spoke formally. A knot tied in my stomach as Abram's jaw locked and her eyes held a sinister stare.

"I'll be speaking with some other members of the staff to decide your formal punishment. For now, you're both assigned a week of detention. If you fail to show," Mrs. Abram paused, eyeing Vic. "I'll double the time, and I'll double it if I see you two acting out again." She concluded as our eyes locked for the first time. I held her stare, not intimidated by her anymore. Once again, I was out of the submissive shell I had somehow built around me. I think both of them noticed it, also.

Asking us to leave, I was out of the door first. Vic caught up with me yet again, laughing quietly. I kept my face straight, looking nowhere but right in front of me. Vic took note of my silence.

"Why are you so quiet? Aren't you happy?" Vic asked in confusion. I rolled my eyes, not bothering to respond. "This is what we wanted, wasn't it?"

"I didn't ask for any of this," I finally spilled, stopping in my tracks once we were far away from Mrs. Abram's office. Vic halted soon after. "I didn't ask for you to fake date me and cause a ruckus. I didn't ask for you to ruin my relationship with somebody I had managed to call my friend and I certainly didn't ask for you to kiss me; in fact I asked you not to. Part of me truly started to believe that maybe this whole act was just a mask and that I had gotten to know you as you, but I guess I was wrong. God I'm so stupid; I can't believe I actually believed that. Justin was right, you are nothing but a narcissistic asshole. Just leave me alone, I'm sick of this game we're playing." I yelled at him angrily, getting ready to escape. Vic's hand hit my shoulder as I turned around, so I nudged him off. Next came both of his hands on both of my shoulders. Once again, I shook him off. Finally, Vic gripped my arms and forced me to face him.

And after that, my thoughts were a blur as I was slammed into the nearest wall like I had been earlier, but there was nothing playful about it this time.

"You think you can get away with calling me that?" Vic yelled in my face. "Do you think you can treat me like dirt and not get punished for it? Maybe I am a narcissistic asshole, but there's a hell of a lot more about me that you don't know. And if you want to assume otherwise, then you're a narcissistic asshole yourself." Vic continued, his voice straining. I let out a gasp of pain that I couldn't hold in any longer as Vic's fingernails were digging into my wrists which were pinned above my head. Immediately, Vic's gaze softened as did his grip. My heart raced unbelievably fast in my chest as I replayed what had just happened.

"I..." I trailed off, unable to form any words. "I'm sorry." I finally admitted, somewhat ashamed of myself for hurting his feelings.

"Shut up," Vic snapped, his voice harsh before he pushed me against the wall harder and locked his lips with mine hungrily. I couldn't keep up with him at first, but I soon let myself cave into him and kiss back, my lips numb against Vic's. My wrists ached as Vic loosened his grip even more, but didn't let go as he let our arms fall from above my head to our sides.

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