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Victor p.o.v~
I wanted us to be, correction! To REMAIN a normal family. But the voices, the voices in my head wouldn't stop. They wouldn't stop! STOP! Oh, excuse me. Sorry about that. I'm for some odd reason, I Victor am indeed in love. I just don't know who or what yet. Love... Isn't that what drives us humans to do stupid and idiotic things? I don't know. This house we've moved into is dreadful. The interior of it is filled with old nic-naks the old owners left behind. The furniture and everything else in it, is probably from the late or early 50's. All the pant and wallpaper has been almost totally pealed away. Behind the chipping walls were just grey wooden planks. "It's a fixer upper," my mother says to me. As I went up the huge overly dramatic stairs, I got this itching feeling. This feeling ate at me on nights I could not sleep. This feeling is the feeling I got when I hurt those people. Should I tell mother? No. I won't. She only cares about her own selfish existence. She's in her own little world that at which she only cares about herself. Oh mother it's fine your not the reason why I'm like this, I've just sunken. In my own twisted dark mind. My psychiatrist says that I'm pretty brave to even say that. He's pretty cool.
Mother Margaret p.o.v~
I'm trying, I really am. What the hell, shit me and him both know I'm a horrible mother. Oh well. We're both broken. He still believes that it's not my fault his father died. I was going to tell him, but... I can't tell him! His asshole of a father deserved it.
April 6, 2009- Flashback**
"No it's not you Margaret, it's me. I'm in love.. With someone else," victors father said. " she must be a lovely women," replied mother Margaret with a river of tears falling down her face. "Actually, it's a man, I'm in love with a man," victors father stated. "Well, then." Mother Margaret replied. "Go on then, to your new life. Just leave me and the rest of your shit family behind. Go... GO!" Shouted Margaret. Victors father got into his car, then he felt a stinging, dropping his keys hopping into the car slamming the door. A swarm of bees were planted into his car, disturbed by his presences. The door was locked by Margaret trapping victors father in his car with a swarm of bees. Stinging him all over. No way out, no way to save himself. He was allergic to bee stings. His fait was in Margaret's hands. "It's okay, it won't take long for your body to give out," Margaret stated as victors father laid down taking his final breathes before finally dying.
Mother Margaret p.o.v
Damn, this family is all kinds of fucked up.
Victors p.o.v~
My therapist tells me to control my anger. How can you control something that's most of what you are? All that's left of my father is this gun right here. I keep it under my bed. It's safe and sound. It's final bullets are being saved for someone special.

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