consisting of popcorn and Natcho

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"I'm not even going to stop you man you know he's in there somewhere waiting to stab you in the stomach so why even want to go in there?" I stuff another fist full of buttery popcorn in my mouth while popping open another can of grape soda. It was officially eleven o'clock at night while I'm just here watching horror movie after another when I should be in bed like the rest of the normal 15 year olds. But I can't when all I hear inside my head is "watch this horror movie Luc. Or I heard it was supposed to be really scary to where your heart will literally fall out of your butt"

Why would I want to go to bed without even experiencing that type of fright? That's the same question I ask over and over again to my mom when she lectures me about how my bad eating habits and love of horror movies will end my life early than I think. Usually, as always she tries to brake me and sees to I go to bed before her. But like I said before, who would want to not want to be apart of the new movie fright. What she doesn't know is that I sneak around after she falls asleep and pop the popcorn in the microwave and take the whole case of grape soda and plop my butt right on the sofa clicking the remote to my favorite horror channel.

"Natcho, just look at that blood gushing from his mouth it looks totally fake!" I said before guzzling the last bit of now warm soda. Why wouldn't they ever make a movie involving real blood? I mean that would be REALLY REALLY terrifying than using fake blood. But then again I remember why they can't do that. I grimace at the picture in my head. Nobody would want to be covered in some dead guys blood let alone have it in their mouth. I don't think any movie star would ever want enough money in the world to do that kind of thing.

"LUCY ELISABETH ENGLEWOOD WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING UP WATCHING THIS NONSENSE!" I jumped nine stories high spilling the last of the popcorn all over my lap and on my feet. My heart raced a hundred miles a second as a green faced monster disguised as my mom stood behind the sofa. I studdered for an explanation but couldn't come up with one except giving her the old "who would want to go to sleep without being apart of the fright"

line that would no longer work.

"I told you that you're not allowed to be up this late watching this type of stuff and you didn't listen to me. In fact you never listen when I repeatedly tell you not to do something." She scolded picking up the remote and clicking off the t.v as quickly as I turned it on.

"For once in your life could you listen to me Lucy?" She Folded her arms on her chest.

"I listen to you when you said to don't do drugs or alcohol didn't I"

I rebutted getting up. "I could get drugs right now you know? But I don't want to because you told me what can or could happen if I did do them but I guess that isn't good enough for you. You should be having a heart attack if I did sneak up at night and did drugs. Not for having the t.v on eating popcorn and drinking soda with Natcho."

I could tell by her stance that she was still mad at at me for what I said, but it was the honest truth.

Most kids in school are having sex and doing drugs without their parents knowing while I'm her at home in the middle the might enjoy a good horror movie with my cat and I still get in trouble. Maybe if I brought home hardcore drugs and booze I wouldn't get in half as trouble as I would now.

"I'm not mad about you sneaking around my back and watching movies Lucy, I'm only mad when you lie to be about things I wouldn't want you to be doing." She picked up the salty glass bowl and pushed the fallen pieces of popcorn back into it.

"Surely any parent would agree with what I'm saying. Once you become a mother you'd understand where I'm coming from. Get to bed, we'll discuss this in the morning once I come down from this headache you gave me."

Great, more of a lecture in the morning as if I didn't get enough of an ear full enough tonight I pick up Natcho and make my way up the stairs.

"Night mom"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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