Stone Meanings

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Amethyst Healing on all levels - body, mind, and spirit. Raises vibrational frequency and protects against negative energies.

AmberTransmutes negative energy into positive. Bridges conscious self to the Divine.

DiamondPurifies. Amplifies thoughts and feelings - both positive and negative.

HematiteGrounding. Clarifies thought, improves memory, and calms anxiety.

Lapis LazuliDeep wisdom and intuition. Opens the third eye and leads to enlightenment.

MoonstoneBalances yin and yang. Enhances the inner feminine, and acceptance for yin attributes.

OpalAmplifies emotion, insight, and spontaneity. Very potent, and can cause difficulties with the wrong person. Each colour of opal has its own properties.

PearlPure mind and heart. Balances emotions and reduces stress.

Quartz CrystalAttracts, amplifies, and sends energy. Easy and safe. Useful for all kinds of healing.

Rose QuartzBalances yin and yang, restoring harmony after emotional wounding.

TurquoiseHighly spiritual yet grounding. Uplifting to unconditional Love. Aligns chakras and opens heart.

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