7th and 8th grade.

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Nathaniel was now in 9th grade, we barely ever had time to talk, but I was still crushing on Jake, I had been since the middle of Last year (7th grade year) Well anyhoot, it was the first day of 8th grade, I felt so different, like I was ready to take on what I was givin, that changed quickly though, Hell, I stoped turning in work all together, makes me wounder how I get such good grades... exsoecially in a school like mine though.

First day of school, first orchestra class since last year, first time with Nathaniel, this is differen't, Viola section in a different spot, Cellos in a deffierent spot, it was like I was walking into a different class all together, this wasn't what I though it'd be. I was scared I was going to be the Worst Violist, I was scared because I was a year behind in Orchestra... But that change Quickly I got third chair, and then Secound, but ended up back at 3rd sadly...

I looked way different then I did  in 7th grade, I took pride in the way I looked, what I talk about, how I acted, I was confident in myself, unlike Last year, I cut for alittle at the begaining of the year, but my best friend Pulled me out of whatever trance I was in, and I didn't mind that, I need that, A boost to get me better.....

Just something kept Bugging me at the Back of my mind, I couldn't help that think, WHy are all these people who never knew me before My friends?


LADEDA, FML, HAI! I'm arrian, I'm a shorty, erm... Yeah!


LOL though, arrians part, I'm sorry not sure what she actually though..!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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