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'There are friends, then there are family, then there are friends that become family'

They say that if you stare into the eyes of someone for four minutes or so, you begin to fall in love with them. A slight connection is made between the both of you as a feeling of love for the other begins to slowly overwhelm the body.

You know it's different when you glance at the girl you love from a distance and it's practically the worst feeling ever when she has a boyfriend. In most cases someone would be too frightened by the sight to speak up but truth is, she's popular, you're not. Where the hell do you stand even so much as a chance in grasping her heart when its already taken by someone who's most likely cheating on her with six other chicks?
The good guys find love last.
"Maximus! Please enlighten us on what exactly I just said." Mrs. Michaels exclaimed, her stern look slowly eating away the bit of happiness I still had.
I awoke out of my trance as the class began to laugh. "Look! I think Maxi-bitch just wet himself!" Someone yelled, and at that very second the whole class burst into tears from the constant laughing.
I stared in a wake of confusion as time was seizing to exist for me. When you're in a room full of assholes, it feels as if time coincides with them long enough to feel the laughing for hours in what should be minutes.
"Mr. Davidson!" Mrs. Michaels shouted. "Those kind of insults will not be tolerated in this classroom! Now apologise to Maximus!"
Pure hatred took over his face as his emotionless body filled to the brim with anger. "Maxi-bitch, I am truly sorry! I'm sorry you can not take a joke, I'm sorry for the parents that had to raise you! Most importantly, I am sorry your father did not pull out!"
"Go to the office now!" My teacher screamed. "This kind of behavior is harassment and I will make sure the principal suspends you for this impeccable act!"
The class fell silent, only the sound of the tick from the clock emerged from the silence.
"Maxi-bitch, you do know Mrs. Michaels won't always be there to protect you. In fact, she hardly gives a shit about you, only in school does she care, but she only cares because of the amount on her paycheck, other than that you truly have no one." Brian dashed out of the classroom. "See your ass after class, hope you bring a phone, you'll need someway to contact the ambulance after I break your head in and leave you for dead."
Mrs. Michaels rushed to Brian and held him by the ear. She walked out of the room holding his ear and once again the dreadful silence took over the entire room.

Truthfully, days like this were apart of my daily routine. I mean I'm not the most popular kid but I find ways of getting by. Some days I feel special if even so much as one person approaches me and talks, while other days I feel practically invisible.
Socially awkward since age fourteen, making friends was more of a challenge for me. I'm seventeen now but let me tell you something, once you lose that ability to speak, its hard to gain it back.
You see, I always tried to fit in. But I never could. Everything about me never fulfilled peoples so called expectations for a friend. I didn't have the looks, nor did I have the courage. Overall I was the cause of my downfall, the cause of my pain. I let in too many people in my life and opening the door for anyone to come in was a bad move on my part as everyone I let in ended up stabbing me in the back.
Good may always conquer evil, but the truth is, being 'too' good opens up more doors that might let the same shit happen, over and over again.
Life is all about survival and sometimes you have to close a door to avoid being hurt regardless of what lies inside.

Mrs. Michaels waltzed back into the room. She walked over towards me and let out a slight smile which is something she rarely does. She kneeled beside me, her eyes interlocked with mine as a set of tears streamed down her cheek. "You can't let people like Brian define you, only you define who you are. In this world you're either a bush or a seed. See, you can be a bush and just sit there hoping something happens or you can be a seed and grow into something wonderful, something wondrous." She got up and stared at the entire classroom. "All of you can be something with greater significance, each of you has that ability to grow and sustain a life in which your reality becomes a fantasy. Dreams become the true reality you're in."

She stared around the room as the class began to clap, including myself. Never had I ever envisioned a teacher doing that for me, standing up for something as monstrous as I was.
"Okay class now open your books to page 199."

That's when I realised, it was all a dream and I awoke from the trance I was in.

"Maximus! Please enlighten us on what exactly I just said."

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