(Chapter 1) An Ugly Truth

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You can't waltz through life and not expect to fall down every once in a while. My analogy, we're all dominoes. At any moment we can fall and when we do, we knock down everyone in front of us. To fall down and learn from it is what makes the experience worth it.

Glancing around the cafeteria, I had hoped I would find some sort of table, anywhere, I didn't care. I just needed to sit down for a while and relax.

Eminem was blasting through my head phones as I had finally found the perfect seat, well at least for now.

I walked towards it, tray placed in both hands as the familiar voice of Brian interrupted my peace and quiet. I turned around only to come face to face with the giant.

His pale skin becoming an apple red as his anger and hate for me began to boil inside of him. I swear on my grave his eyes turned from an ocean like blue and transformed into a blood-stained red. He was inflicted with hatred and I felt vulnerable at every point.

"So new kid or should I say, Maxi-bitch, you like being a little snitch? Let me show you what we do to snitches, ladies and gentleman, let this be a warning to you all!" As he said this, his fist pounded the tray out of my hand as the warm feeling of chili soaked through my shirt and jeans. "See this kid will not mount to shit!"

"S-Stop!" I mumbled back.

"S-Stop!" He smiled relentless, mocking every word. "Shut the hell up! I swear to God new kid if you don't shut up, I will pound both of your lips together and nail them shut. Do you hear me?"

"Y-yes sir. B-But what did I ever do to you?" I argued back as I grabbed a napkin off the nearest table and began cleaning the chili off my pants before it stained.

"For starters you're talking, that's what and you're breathing in the same air as me, that's another reason." He began to shout loud enough so not only everyone in the cafeteria could hear him but the entire school as well. "You got me in trouble-"

"You did that to your-yourself, not me." How the hell did I find enough courage to muster out that?

"Eh, excuse me? What did you just say new kid?" He tilted his head to the left then to the right eyeing everyone watching.

"Nothing. I just- I just said-"
"Nothing. I just- I just said-" He mocked as everyone else surrounding the both of us began to laugh. "I heard you say something you little prick, no one talks back to me, last person that did, I broke their spine so they in fact couldn't talk back to me."

Brian fed off the people's opinions, let's be strictly honest about that. Difference between the both of us is he  seeks attention from everyone else as attention seeks me. No matter where I went, I was a freak compared to everyone else. Eyes were always piercing through my skin as the feeling of being watched always consumed the bit of confidence I had. So as you can see, attention had always found me and no matter how many times I tried to escape its clutches, I couldn't find enough courage to escape it.

As much as it pains me to say this, Brian wasn't always a so-called 'bully'. Way back in elementary school, back before I moved away from all my friends and colleagues, Brian was an alright guy. He was dating Stephanie Greener, perhaps the most beautiful creature to roam the world.

I got lost in her eyes every single time she looked at me. Gazing at her smile, any man would melt into a puddle.

As Brian and I were cool, we were not the best of friends. He did his thing as I did mine. But of course back then I was different. Nothing and I mean nothing would stop me from fulfilling my every wish. Heck, I was even tougher than Brian was. Those were the days..

About a year ago Stephanie was caught kissing some elderly man behind the school bleachers by the principal. When asked what she was doing the elderly man handed her some money and walked off.  

"Sexual favors? Really Mrs. Greener? You're what? 17?" The principal was furious, he clenched his mug of coffee and the entire mug broke in the clasp of his hands.

"18. About to be 19 next June." She replied. She happened to be glancing around the room hoping Brian was no where to be seen

Derrick, the quarterback, happened to eavesdrop on the conversation and pretty soon word spread fast about Stephanie and the elder dude. In fact it made the school paper and the paper was sold out for the first time that week.

After a day or so word spread like  a wildfire and a few hours after, that fire spread to the ears of Brian.

"Baby, I'm sorry! it was a one time thing."

"Get away from me! I fucking loved you and this is how you handle that love? You skank, we're through!" Brian shouted. He reached for his backpack and began storming off.

Everyone in the halls froze, waiting to see what  would happen next. To them this was an edge of your seat drama movie. Tears streamed down some of the girls cheeks. Brian and Stephanie, about a 12 year relationship. So of course some of the girls would be crying. It's like watching Edward and Bella break up.

"B-but babe! I was getting the money for your anniversary present! I didn't have enough-" She shouted down the hall.

Brian stormed back. "Do you think I care? Sexual favors Stephanie, you had intercourse with another dude. You're pathetic, now get out of my way!" His fist pounded into his locker door leaving a massive dent and then he marched off into the world, hurt, betrayed.

No one ever knew who the old guy was. It wasn't until a few weeks after the incident, someone whom witnessed the intercourse caught glimpse of the same old man. My father.

So as you can see, this incident would cause the spark that lit this feud. I just so happened to be in the cross hair of this gun fight.

"Yo, man I think he's out of it." A voice screamed. I awoke from the trance I was in only to see the entire school body glaring at me, their phones flashing and before I knew it, I was famous.

I looked around the cafeteria, trying o see what it was that they were taking pictures of. Then I saw it.

Please note:

This chapter is fictional, not true one bit. I added this for effect and for the drama aspect. Hope you enjoyed!

In case you are wondering why Brian keeps calling Maximus 'new kid' if they knew each other before, it's because Brian is an over-all douche bag and since Maximus left for years and returned back, the high-school they're both attending, Maximus has never been to. So while Brian does know Maximus, the school in fact does not.

Once again thank you for reading and look forward to more chapters!



Giant: Brian was 6'2 while Maximus was 5'3. In comparison, Brian was rather huge.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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