Meeting them

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Diane's pov.

I could already tell the day was going to be hell when we arrived at school. Manly because I didn't see Kyle in his usual place where he waits for me and the others to join him by the stairs to walk into the building. I sighed knowing he was probably sick and not coming to school. Great I though to myself. I continued to walk to the front door of the building knowing I would have to look for the others on my own. I passed our usual meeting spot and opened the doors to enter the school. I walked up to the front office and was about to pass it to go to homeroom when I heard principle Harper say my name. "Diane"! She said smiling at me. " We have three new students today can you show them around school today there schedules are much like yours"! She said as she clapped her hands together and finished speaking with a smile. " Uhh... Sure Mrs. Harper". I gave her a little smile at the end of my sentence and followed her into the room. As soon as we got in there I saw three guys who looked like they were related. One had blonde hair and brown eyes with a blue button up shirt and blue jeans and nice tan skin. The second one had brown hair brown eyes a green t- shirt and blue jeans. The last one had dirty- blonde hair with the tips of his hair black. That's weird. Then I eyed his outfit he had a gray long sleeve shirt on that looked like it was from hollister and blue jeans on like the others and he also had brown eyes like the others. I smiled at them. " Hi I'm Diane Young and I'll be showing you around today". I gave a smile to them at the end of my sentence. "Hey I'm Liam". The blonde said. " these are my brothers Jason". he said pointing to the brown haired boy in the third seat. "This is hunter". He said putting his hand in his dirty-blonde black tipped brother. Dang these guys are all tan and every girls dream. I wonder what today's gonna be like showing them around.

Liam's pov

The girl standing in front of us looked like the mix of a prep and a punk rocker. Odd mix if I do say so myself but no matter that she had a nice butt In that mini skirt. Come to think of it she had a nice body all around. I'm happy she's leading us around to day so I can stare at her as much as I want. A smirked crossed my lips. I continued looking at her butt in the mini skirt and smirking while I did so. This is gonna be a good day I though to myself.

Hunters pov

I looked at my brother. I followed where he was looking just like I though he was staring at her ass. Not that I hadn't snuck some looks at her ass and nice body I just wasn't like that I'm not a giant perv like my brother. But that doesn't mean I don't look at thoughts. Things. I looked over at my brother he was smirking. I smirked at him. I wonder what dirty thoughts are going through his little pervy head. I would like to see how this turns out today. I turned towards the girl who was talking and listened to her. My gaze landed on her blue eyes. They looked like husky eyes. They were beautiful and fit her perfectly. Jeez pull yourself together man your here on a mission with the rest of your brother don't let your guard down. I sighed and smiled at the girl. I listened to the conversation. Looks like it gonna be a strange day.

Jason's pov

Jeez she was probably gonna end up being one of my best girl friends by the end of the day. That was my mission well besides the other one but you know lets not get into that. " So anyway". I said cutting the conversation Liam and Mrs. Harper were having. " so anyway what"? She asked noticing I stayed silent a little to long. " I just wanted to say you're wrong about one thing you said". She gave me a confused look. " I didn't even say anything". She said crossing her arms and looking at me. " Ha yea you did the whole fall out boy best song thing clearly there best song is Bang The Doldrums duh"! I said eyeing her. She looked at me with wide eyes. " Whatever your wrong and I'm right Jason" ! She said my name with slight hatred. " Whatever you say Mini Skirt". " DON'T CALL ME THAT "! She said. Ha never Mind aboard mission she probably hates me now hehehe. With that in my mind we talked for a little bit more before the principal told us to follow Diane to our lockers.

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