What the hell?!?

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Diane's pov

It was now 5th hour my last hour with the three boys. I almost did a happy dance. They've been a burden to me all day never shutting up, Liam staring at my ass and Jason trying to get on my good side. Come to think of it Hunter hadn't spoke a lot this whole time he stared off into space most of the time and had his hands in his pockets. He's only sat by me in 1st hour today. "Hey Diane"? Liam asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "What  do you want pervert"? I asked looking at him with a snare on my face. "Hey don't hate on me babe for looking in places I shouldn't, sometimes I can't help myself around fine looking females". He said and looked at me. "Whatever what did you want you better say it before I slap you". I said with a little bit of harshness in my voice. "Nevermind babe just forget I ever said your beautiful name". Dear lord give me a break what the hell is wrong with him? I knew there was only one thing I could do now. I turned around and picked up my hand from my side and slammed my hand across his face. He rubbed his face where I hit him. "Oops sorry". I said sarcastically and continued walking with them following. I went back into though thinking about everything people called me today. Slut, Wannabe, Ugly, Useless, Why are you even alive still? I thought about all of it. I looked down my eyes almost filling with tears. " What a loser". I heard followed by laughs. I sighed and kept walking.

Hunter's pov

I noticed the kids laughing at her. I looked at her and her head was down. I shout a glare at the kids who we laughing at her. They didn't back off. " Hey what's your problem"? I yelled at them. She looked at me in surprise. The other kids stopped and looked at me. " Oh come on like you really care you know what we're saying is true we remind her everyday she a low life she's useless". They laughed at the end of that. I know I don't know her that well but I won't stand for this. I know what it feels like. I went up to the girls laughing and the boys who had just said that. My brothers followed what I was doing they knew what I was gonna do.  I punched the first guy and my brother punched the other two. They threw their  fists at us only for Liam to block them all and for Jason  to kick the first one down I finished it by kicking the last two down. I looked over at the girls. The panic looks on their faces almost made me laugh. They turned around and ran away. I stared at the boys on the ground. " Hey come on Hunter let's get to class before a teacher sees". Liam said. I turned around to see a shocked Diane crying. Jason was already by her and talking to her. I walked over. "Well let's just go to class and forget about this". I said coldly with no emotion. We walked to our next class. Our next class was history. We didn't get introduced in this class because the teacher doesn't care I was told.  I followed Diane and my brothers to the back and  I sat by Diane. I payed attention probably only the first part of class. I noticed Diane staring out the window she looked upset, really upset. I don't know how to make her feel better. So I stared out the window with her. I noticed something out of the ordinary. " Damn it there already here" I mumbled to myself. I looked over at my brothers and gave them a oh shit looking expression. They got the message and stud up with me and we ran out of the classroom. " Boys come back here"! The teacher yells after us. We ran down three flights of stairs through the front door of the school and across the school yard. " Damn it how are the omega clan guardians here already"? Liam whispered to his brothers angrily. " I don't know guys but all we do is don't let them near the school so we can find out who it is got"? I questioned them. " alright" Jason said while Liam nodded. Alright let's change into are battle gear remember what Isaac said". I said lowering my head. I grabbed the sword I've been hiding all day and opened it slightly. There was a bright light. Then it finally faded and I was in my battle gear. ( A/N the picture above along with the video also sorry about the horrible editing I don't have any good editing apps or anything like that and yes I got them off of google and there anime I like anime so yeah )

Diane's pov

Where did they go and why leave in the middle of class to do it? I swear I never know what other people think. To be honest I never really cared I stayed where I belonged. Where I belong that's a funny way to put it. I'm a out cast who hangs out with Emos pretty much. My life sucks and I have though about suicide before but I don't want to do it. I slunk back in my chair and stared at the board. Where's a life worth living? I raised my head up towards the ceiling and waited for the bell to go off.
After the bell went off releasing me from my hellish 5th hour. It felt slightly weird not having the three of them around even though I just met them today. Where are they? I wonder to myself. "Hmm" I hum under my breath. So with that wonder in my mind I start looking. I walked down the stairs to the main level past my locker and down the grand hall way. I stopped in front of a hall way with a sign next to it. The sign I see everywhere in the building. "Go foxes"! All the flipping signs say that. Well makes sense cause that's our school mascot. I shake my head remembering my mission to find the three idiot musketeers. I walk out the front doors just to see if they're outside. That's when I start walking down the main sidewalk till theirs a dark figure to the side. I turn the other way and feel hands wrap around me and my vision go black.

Dun dun duuunnnn sorry I haven't done a cliff hanger yet please don't get mad at me or kill me for not updating in a while. School takes me away from my fictional life ya feel me? Well I'll update soon hopefully. Bye for my cinnamon rolls!

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