The Last Tears

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So this is my first story in wattpad!!!!XD im super duper excited!!:) I hope you like it..........:) i do!! Bleck school is about to start on the 22nd not excited.....but I am excited to go shopping for school clothing....even though I got to a fundamental....urgg.....hahaha anyway I will upload everyday hopefully until school starts then only shall I upload every few days unless busy.......






        “So do you have the list of the groceries?” my mom asked pressing her lips together.

“Yeah here,” I handed her the list. She shoved it into her purse with one hand, while the other held the steering wheel for the car.

“So how are you and that one boy, David?” my mom glanced my way for a split second. I took my eyes off the ocean below the bridge we were driving on to meet her quick gaze.  

“Um good, he hasn’t asked me out to prom yet so….” I trailed biting my bottom lip holding back tears. Why did I have to be so sensitive? It’s my mom’s fault.

“Oh sweetie he’ll come around, they always do,” she said as she stroked the side of my face.

“Thanks mom I love you,” I gave her a side hug hoping I didn’t distract her from the road. Her curly red hair smelt like strawberries, ironic right?  

“Oh my baby Roo, I love you too,” she smiled big showing off her dimples. I smiled back surfacing my dimples for the thousandth time today. She looked back at the road and screamed while swerving the car.

            We flew off the railing of the bridge. She looked at me teary eyed and mouth ‘sorry’. We plummeted into the water in slow motion. My mom flew forward and her head hit the dashboard and she got knocked unconscious. I flew forward and heard a crack within my shoulder from the seat belt. The water started seeping in fast and it filled the whole car. I took a deep breath and unbuckled my seat belt. I unbuckled my mom’s ignoring the searing pain in my shoulder. I picked up her wrist and kicked the window until it broke. I was losing air, and I was losing it fast. I swam out the window and dragged my mom with me. I swam to the surface still fighting the aching feeling in my shoulder. When I broke the surface I pulled my mom up holding her head above the water the best I could. I saw a rescue boat coming my way. They stopped and pulled me out of the water then my mom. They checked her pulse and shook their heads. I fell to my knees as my mom died, as half of me died too.  


So I will have a new chappie up tomorrow night!!!!!XDD maybe even during the day....idk if I want to write at night or during the night I get super tired so maybe during the day but rambling im sorry!! and im super sorry for any spelling or grammer issues :( I really don't mean for them to be there I typed this prologue on my ipod so it didn't have spelling or grammer check. Anyway i'm going to watch the all time fav movie...sorry if me saying fav bothers u lol!!!!:)))) neway.......sooooo see ya later



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