Chapter 1: Fresh Start

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Hey guys!!! So I just couldn't wait I had to get started on this chapter right away!!:)))) tehehe I really like it so far and this is a pretty short- lonigh chapter....all wells anywho......this story should of captured ur attention at the prologue so if ur reading thanks!!!!:))))))



xoxo (Vote,Fan,Comment) Love u all!!!


Chapter 1: Fresh Start

        “So baby Roo how do you like the house?” my dad asked as he picked up a box of my things.

“It’s okay I guess,” I shrugged. He raised his eyebrows at me.

“Fine, it’s awesome! There! You happy?” I asked exasperated. He nodded and clapped his hands together once.

“So let’s get unpacked, you have school tomorrow,” he grinned showing his dimples like mom. His dimples made me show mine. I grabbed the rest of my boxes and set them in my room. The walls were light pink. My dad set up my bed along with the hot pink canopy, the hot pink zebra bedding, and my other furniture. I dragged out my pocket knife and cut open a box to start unpacking.

            Beep! Beep! Beep! I punched the off button on my clock alarm with my fist. I got up and sleepily walked to my vanity mirror. I rubbed my eyes, stretched, and yawned.  I got back up and trudged to the bathroom getting into a shower. The warm water relaxed my muscles and helped me unwind. I put in my apple smelling shampoo and body wash in my hair and body. When I was finished with my shower I blow dried my brown hair and curled it. Since I curled it in went a few inches below my shoulders instead of flowing straight to the middle of my back. I put on some short light wash jean shorts with rips, a black belt, a pink one shoulder shirt that said ‘da fuck you looking at’, and black boots that went to my knees. I swiped on some mascara and eyeliner. I smiled at my reflection. My green eyes I got from my mom staring back at me. I grabbed my back pack, the keys to my black range rover, and left.

            I parked by a black hummer and got out. Immediately I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see a tall guy staring at me with his warm brown eyes. He was about 6 feet 4 inches, he had long blonde hair that was thrown to the side of his face every now and then, and he had warm inviting brown eyes. I broke our gaze and started walking silently past him. I felt hands grab my arm and stop me. I looked up to see an old enemy.

“Rachel?” she looked me up and down. I nodded and scowled at her. She smirked.

“I knew I would see you again, you’re still the same old ugly fat freak,” she laughed and looked at her minions and they joined her. So she rules the school, interesting.

“Well, well, well. Still the same bulimic, anorexic, bitch I knew in freshman year was it?” I retorted. No one messes with me and then gets away with it.

“You’ll regret saying that,” she shot me a murderous look.

“Oh will I? Then I suggest next time you don’t fuck with me because I will fuck with you,” I snarled in her ear. She just flipped her blonde hair and walked forward. Her minions right behind her. I started walking to when an arm shot out and stopped me by holding onto my stomach.

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