Chapter 2: Just A Crush

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This is dedicated to LainaSTAR for being my first comment!!! <3 u

I'm sorry guys I havn't been updating and i'm sorry!!! But I have a perfectly good explaination!!:) We got a new puppy!! It's a white husky and were naming her Keeya!! XDD She is the cutest thing in the world..she has really blue breathtaking eyes!! she's mine!! :))))) lol sooooooo yeah I have been training her......have I been writing........heck yes...little bits here and there....I had a huge writers block so I added some fight scenes...they are easy and fun to character is so me....everything she has done is something I would do.....with less of the language issue but watevs soooo.....

Comment,Vote,Fan maybe?!!!!!!




Chapter 2: Just a Crush?

            I woke up and yawned. I glanced at the clock which blinked 6:32. I forgot to reset my alarm. I groaned and shuffled to the bathroom. I took the quickest shower known to man and put on a black shirt with white skull and crossbones on the front and white skinny jeans. I wore black 4 inch pumps. Then I curled my hair and applied my easy makeup. I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. I’m not Goth but I like to dress differently on days. I grabbed my bag, my keys, and headed to school like yesterday. I pulled up to the same black hummer that I had parked next to yesterday. I gathered up my bag and rolled some lip gloss on and got out.

            I was walking up towards the building when someone’s arms grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

“Hey beautiful,” the deep masculine voice said. I grabbed one of the arms and pried it off me, and then I took it and twisted it until the guy cried out in pain. Until I saw it was Chi I let go instantly and tried to stifle my laugh by covering up my mouth acting horrified.

“If I was expecting that I would have totally prevented it,” he stretched out his injured arm.

“Next time you shouldn’t come up on me like that, and then you won’t have to prevent it,” I smirked and started to walk away. He followed me.  

“You’d think me almost spraining your arm with little use of my energy and muscle would send you the clear message of ‘back off’,” I glared at him and he shrugged.

“Well then message not received,” he grinned big time. I let out a growl and walked faster. Someone chucked something at my head to get my attention. I whirled around fast getting angrier by the second. It was one guy I’m guessing a friend of Chi’s. I stormed over to him.

“Asshole,” I screamed and poked my finger into his chest.  

“I wouldn’t call people bigger than you bad names, I could hurt you,” he said in my ear. He turned his head a fraction to laugh with his friends. While he did that I brought my fist back and let it collide with his nose. I grinned when I heard a satisfied bone cracking noise. He looked down to me.

“You little bitch!” he howled. He picked his hand back to slap me but I brought my knee up as hard as I could to his little pride and joy. He buckled down to my height.

“Now we’re the same height,” I smirked and walked off. Every student that saw that fight had their mouths hanging open. Chi ran to me and pulled my arm back.

“Why did you do that!” he screamed angrily in my face.

“He threw something at me then started antagonizing me, what else was I supposed to do? Let him?” I growled angrily right back at him. His face softened a bit.  

“Well I guess not, but is your hand okay?” he glanced at my hand. I nodded.

“Doesn’t hurt at all,” I left my face at a blank expression. I leaned against a locker as Alex came up to me.

“You little whore, do you know what you did to my sweetheart Tommy!” she yelled and I laughed.

“I’m sorry he can’t bang you anymore, he had it coming,” I shrugged and saw her draw her fist back to hit me. I moved and she hit the locker behind me. She screamed in agony.

“You little slut!” she screamed. I smirked at her.

“You hurt yourself, and by the way if you want to fight then I suggest it’d be against someone with whom you can actually win against smart ass,” I walked off laughing.  Chi followed me and I turned to him angrily.

“Dude what is your issue! Do you want me to teach you a lesson too?” I drew my hand back to slap him but he caught it, so I brought my knee up and he caught that too,” my face most likely started to turn red. He dropped my knee and hand smirking.

“What?” I growled at him. He started laughing.

“I’ve seen you while you’re boxing, fighting, and messing around with people. I know how you fight, so it’s pretty easy to block,” he smirked again. I crossed my arms.

“Stop smirking or I’ll slap it right off your face,” I turned my nose up and walked past him.


So yeah i'm super sorry this is sort of just a fillers chapter due to my writers block....stupid brain anywaqy my mom is nagging me too eat so bye!!!XDDD ^**^

Comment,Vote,Fan maybe???!!!!!! lol



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