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"How long can we keep doing this" Hermione Granger wondered one night as she stared at the dark ceiling.

Beside her, at a respectable distance laid Draco Malfoy. She was a Gryffindor in a Slytherin's bed. He was also the only other person at Hogwarts who had fought in the Second Wizarding War. They weren't friends. they were berely acquaintances. But each night, after the rest of her Gryffindor tower roommates had gone to sleep, Hermione Granger slipped out of her bed and wondered down to the dungeons. There, the Slytherin dormitory was located, and inside, resided Draco Malfoy.

The sleepless nights had begun when the first arrived at school. The war had ended a year earlier and the reconstruction had moved quickly. By September, the school had reopened and began admitting students once more. Hermione had thought it a good idea to return in order to finish her schooling. When she arrived, all she could see were the battles, the injuries, the deaths. At night, she wandered the halls with the help of the Marauder's Map, careful to aviod anyone of authority.

It was on the first night that she came across Draco near the Great Hall. Sure that he would get in to trouble for being out so late, she attempted to convince him to find a place more privete. "I think I'll stay here if it's the same for you" he had replied.

That night she left him there, but watched him on the map to make sure he wasn't caught by Flinch. Night after night, she found Draco in the same place. For weeks they sat in silence, niether one sure how to start a conversation with the other. Then, just before Halloween he asked her why she roamed the halls at night.

"I can't stop seeing it," she admitted.

Draco then sighed and rested his head against the wall. "Me niether," he replied.

It wasn't long after their routine evolved. One night Flich was closer that Hermione thought. Her dorm was too far away even if she could outrun the old groundskeeper. The Slytherin dorms however were alsow closer than she thought. Grabbing her hand, Draco pulled her down to the stairwell until they wre sure the coast was clear. Flich remained in the foyer though. Without a word Draco led her further down into the dungeons. She tried to protest, tried to wrench her hand free, but he heal tighter.

"Would you rather stand in a stairwell all night,"he asked, taking her to his common room."At least here you'll be comfortable.

"Yes, because nothing says comfort more than being surrouned by people who hate me" she retorted, as he sat down on a green leather sofa.

Draco shrugged as he made himself comfortable. "We hate each other and yet you seek me every night," he stated

Sighing, she sat down beside him, careful to keep space between them. "I don't hate you," she mumbled. " you still hate me?"

He shook his head. "No," he replied. "I'm still not a fan of Potter and Weasley, but you've really given me no reason to hate you. Besides, after everything that's happened, I don't think I have the strength to dislike you anymore."

"That's good to know, I guess," she said resting her head against the back of the sofa.

Propping his feet up on the coffee table, Draco beckoned her to come closer. "You look tired" he commented.

She glanced at him warily. "Where?"

Closing his eyes, he shrugged. "Anywhere," he replied. "Mc Gonagall confiscated the throw pillows after a few first years decided they made good weapons. You, um, could use my , uh, lap."

Smirking, she insead mimicked his posture. "Is this how you get girls to sleep with you?" she wondered. "make up a story about throw pillows and offer them your lap insead?"

"Most girls are dumb enough to fall for it," he joked. "Clearly you are too smart for my usual moves."

Placing her feet back on the floor, she sat up straight. "Are you... is this what you are trying to do?" she asked nervously.

He opened his eyes then and shook his head. "I promise you I'm not," he replied. "Um, most nights after talking to you, I sleep sort of well. I don't know why that is, but it's the way it is. I was curious to see if sleeping near you might product a better night's sleep."

"Trying to apeal to the academic-minded with your hypothesis, are you?" she asked.

"How else would I do it?" he wondered, shutting his eyes once more. "Now try to sleep. You won't need your trunk anymore with the bags under your eyes."

And it had worked. Hermione had slept better that night than she had in years. From that night on, they met in the stairwell and Draco took her to his dormitory. After weeks of sleeping on the couch and numerous complaints about his sore neck, they moved to his bed. As the only Slytherin "eighth" year, Draco had been given private headquarters usually reserved for the head student.

Now, with only weeks until the end of term ended, Hermione was worried that it meant the end of her dreamless nights. She also worried it meant the end of her quasi friendship with Draco. Though they didn't interact during school hours, they did share classes during the day and a bed at night. Their friends would never approve of this situation though. For too long Draco had harassed and tortured Harry, Ron, and the Weasleys. They wouldn't soon forgive his childhood bullying.

Beside her, Draco sighed. "We're not doing anything wrong," he stated.

"I know," she replied. "I wasn't implying that we were. I'm just curious."

Rolling onto his side, he smiled when she did the same. "How long do you want this to go on?"

"What about our friends?" she asked.

He lifted his shoulder carelessly. "What about them?" he replied. "Like I said- we are not doing anything wrong."

Hermione nodded and reached for his hand " I don't want this to end when school does," she decided.

Draco smiled and tightened his grip on her hand. "I don't either."


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the caracters or the plot.

This is the first fanfiction I ever read and I absolutely loved it, I did not write it but I don't know who did. I'm a huge Dramione fan and I'm so happy to have finally posted something as well. I'm sorry for any mistakes since english isn't my first language. It's quite long but I'll try and update as often as possible, I hope you like it.



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