Chapter Four

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"Adrian might be perfect," Hermione declared as she sat down in front of Harry Potter. "He's funny and sweet and intelligent and my sleeping arrangement doesn't bother him in the least. He really might be perfect, Harry."

Harry grinned wryly. "You didn't happen to see Draco walk outside, did you?" he inquired. "I'm sure he'd love to hear that. He'll be in any minute for our weekly check in. you might wanna save some of this for him."

Scowling, she turned around to face the closed door. "Since when is he checking in with you ?" she wondered, turning back to face Harry.

"A few weeks now," Harry replied. "They moved some people around, and he's part of my group now. So, tell me about Adrian Pucey and his perfect, perfect ways."

Rolling her eyes, Hermione got to her feet. "Your sarcasm isn't appreciated," she stated. "And just... don't tell Draco what I said." She waited for him to agree before she left.

In the hallway, Draco rounded the corner with a stack of files in hand, not paying attention to where he was going. As he knew the route to Harry's office like the back of his hand, it startled him when he walked into someone. "Merlin, I'm sorry," he muttered as his folders fell to the ground.

"It's fine."

Glancing up from his mess of paperwork, he realized it was Hermione helping him.

"Um, hello," he said when the both stood up.

"Harry's waiting for you," Hermione told him as she stared at the haphazardly arranged papers.

Draco nodded and she began to walk away. "Hermione, wait," he said hoping she would listen. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for last night."

She smiled softly. "I know, she replied. We'll talk later. Go have your check in with Harry."

He entered Harry's office and was met with a grin. "You just saw Hermione, didn't you?" Harry asked. Draco nodded as he attempted to organize his folders. "You want to talk to her, don't you? And you're going to be no good to me until you do."

"What? No, I'm fine," Draco replied.

"Uh-huh, sure. Get out," Harry said. Draco looked dumbstruck and a bit afraid. "You're not fired. I'm not sending you home. I'm just forcing you to talk to her. I don't know what's going on, but something is going on. Go clear it up. Only then you are allowed to come back. And maybe you can explain to me why Hermione is going out with Adrian Pucey. Frankly, I don't get it."

Draco muttered, "Yeah, me neither," before leaving the office. Turning the corner, he entered the lift and pressed the button for the eight floor. Walking the familiar path, he reached Hermione's office in seconds.

"So, is it later now?" he asked, standing in her doorway.

Glancing up, she smiled at the sight of him. "Come on in, friend," she replied. When he was seated in front of her desk her smile wavered. "listen, before you say anything, I want to say that I'm sorry. Last night was awful, I was awful. I treated you horribly, and you don't deserve that."

"Not breaking up with me, I hope," he joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Shaking her head, Hermione assured him that they were fine. "At least, I hope we are," she amended.

Frowning, brows furrowing, Draco seemed confused. "Why wouldn't we be?" he asked. "We've gotten past so much worse than this. One disagreement can't erase the last five years."

Nodding, she replied. "I know. I just needed to make sure."

"Make sure of what?"

She shrugged and glanced at their picture. "That you're still my best friend," she replied.

The worry lines on his forehead deepened. "I'll never stop being your best friend," he assured her. "I'm sorry I pushed the whole moving in thing. I shouldn't have left just because you had concerns. If you're not comfortable living together, I won't say another word about it until you decide it's something you want."

"If we don't live together, would you still come over every night?" she asked.

"Nothing will change," he promised. "We're still us, and we both know that we still need this. I certainly know that I do. I couldn't close my eyes at all last night. Just the fear of a nightmare kept me awake."

She offered a sympathetic smile. "I managed to close my eyes a few times," she told him. "but then nightmares would start. It was the one were Voldemort kills Harry. I hate that one."

Draco nodded, he remembered that nightmare. It was the first of her nightmares that had woken them both. He remembered when it had first happened, back in their school days. She had cried while he held her and told her it was just a dream. "It's not real though," he said out of habit. "That one will never be real."

"I know," she murmured. "I tried to tell myself that. Doesn't sound as good coming from me."

"How about I come home with you after drinks tonight?" he offered. "Maybe the combination of a booze and each other will help us sleep." Once she agreed, Draco stood up and left. Entering Harry's office, he reclaimed his seat.

"We talked," Draco announced.

Harry looked up and grinned. "What about?" he inquired.

Shrugging his shoulders, Draco replied. "Stuff."

"Did Pucey come up?"

Scowling, Draco shook his head. "Actually, no," he said. "Doesn't matter. That was a one-time thing, after all, Hermione said so herself."

Disbelieving, Harry raised his eyebrows, but said nothing on the subject. "So, uh, did you bring your most recent case files?" he asked.

Draco pointed to the disorganized stack of folders he had left on the desk earlier. "What did she say to you?" he inquired.

"Tell me what happened with the Johnsen case," Harry asked instead.

Sighing impatiently, Draco told him what he had asked. It was an easy, open and shut sort of case, and their suspect was awaiting trial in Azcaban. "Now tell me what she said to you about Pucey."

"Why does it matter?" Harry asked as he straitened up Draco's files. "It doesn't seem like you should be bothered with who Hermione spend her time with."

There was a look of defeat in Draco's gray eyes. "Because she's never lied to me about it before."


I'm super duper sorry I didn't update a new chapter yesterday but two of my closest friends became boyfriend and girlfriend and we all went out to celebrate. I will try to go ahead with my story so this sort of stuff doesn't happen again. Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and comment to let me know what you think.

P.S. I'm sorry for any mistakes but I wrote this in a rush. I will make sure to edit the story later.

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