Chapter Five

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Watching the ceiling spin, Draco regretted drinking so much. Hermione said nothing as she set a glass of water and two aspirins on the nightstand beside him. She quietly rounded the bed and slipped between the covers, keeping her back to him.

"Was I a complete idiot tonight?" he asked, slowly rolling over to take the pills she left him.

"Sighing, Hermione turned over to face him. "That depends. Does starting a fight with Adrian seam stupid enough to you?"

He winced at the anger in her voice. "Yeah," he replied. "Yeah, it does, I'm sorry."

"You know, Draco, there's going to be a time when 'I'm sorry' won't cut it," she warned.

He swallowed thickly. "Is that time now?" he asked.

Reaching for his hand, she held it tight. "No," she replied. "I just don't want us to get to the point. You said you were fine with Adrian an me going out. You didn't seem fine tonight through."

"Um, I guess I thought it was just once," he admitted. "But then tonight with the talking and the laughing and the... touching. You wouldn't lie to me, right?"

"Haven't yet, why start now" she replied.

Nodding, he rolled to his side. "Do you see the two of you going further than just one date?" he asked.

She nodded and bit her lip. "Yes, I do," she told him. "This was technically date number two but my idiot best friend ruined things a bit."

"Yeah, that Harry has a way of messing up things," Draco replied, getting a laugh out of Hermione. "I'm a scared of things changing between us."

"There're not going to," she promised, giving his hand a little squeeze. "I need to know that you're okay with this though. Adrian was your friend first, and I don't want you to feel like you're stuck in the middle. If it bothers you, please tell me."

Draco sighed. He wanted to say it was fine. He had spent much of the night observing how happy Hermione looked with Adrian Pucey, and knew that she deserved to be happy. As much as he wanted to accept their relationship, a part of Draco had always held out hope that it would be Hermione and him. (A/N as friends!) Theirs was a friendship that, he thought, would last until the end of their days, despite his mother's attempts to meddle in their love lives. They belonged together. (A/N still as friends for, now)

"Sure, it's fine," he replied with a yawn. "Sleep now? I have a feeling I will have a huge hungover in the morning."

The next morning, Draco awoke to a cup of coffee and a vial of potion that was supposed to help his hangover. He smiled as he gulped down the potion and chase it with the coffee. Throwing back the blankets, he left the bedroom and found Hermione reading the paper at the kitchen table. "Morning," she greeted him. "Remember much from last night?"

He remembered it all - every word, every thought, every feeling. "Did I, uh, get in a fight with someone?" he said faking a memory loss.

Hermione frowned. "You did," she confirmed. " With Adrian. He touched my hand and you pushed him. I'm choosing to blame the alcohol for your behavior. It couldn't possibly anything else, could it?"

"Like what?" he wondered, pouring himself another cup of coffee. "Seriously, Hermione, like what?"

Shutting the paper, she took her time folding it before setting it aside. "Jealousy?" she suggested. "Fear that, despite how many times I say nothing will change, that they really might. Or maybe you're mad at me for choosing one of your friends to date. Am I getting close to the reason?"

"I don't know," he mumbled, staring down at his cup.

"Maybe I should end things with Adrian now," she decided, though by the tone of her voice you could tell she didn't want to. " I don't want to cause problems between the two of you, and I certainly don't want to ruin things between us."

Draco shook his head, letting her know that wasn't an option. "don't to that" He replied with a restrained sigh. Hermione started to protest, but he shook his head again. "No, you're happy with him. I can get used to this. I'll have to."

She reached for his hand and held it between both of her own. "No, you don't," she said. "I'm sure your mother has plenty of options lined up for me at her next party. Maybe there are even some who aren't your friends."

He chuckled half-heartedly and pulled his hand away gently. "I think I'm going to skip this one," he decided. "I don't think I can handle another round of the dating game hosted by my mother. Mind if I shower here? I'm pretty sure my mother has gotten wind of what happened yesterday, and I'd like to avoid that talk for as long as I can."

Receiving her permission, he entered the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Hermione began to clean up the kitchen but couldn't keep her mind off Draco. Botha had dated in the past, but her relationship with Adrian really seemed to bother him. Never before had he acted so strangely when there was a man in her life.

She entered the bedroom just as Draco emerged from the steam- filled bathroom . "Why don't you hang out here today," she suggested. "it's been awhile since we've spent some time together without the rest of the group. Don't get me wrong- I love that Neville and Marcus Flint are the best of friend now- I just think we need some alone time."

"Is this about Adrian?" Draco wondered as he dressed.

"No, it's about you and me," she replied. "I want to spend the day with you."

He turned to face her, eyebrow raised. "It's been a while since we've done that," he agreed. "I was beginning to think you didn't like me anymore."

Crossing the room, Hermione wrapped her arms around his torso. "I've invested too much time and energy in this friendship to change my mind now," she replied. "Besides, you now you want it too."

"Okay, ignoring all of that, let's spend the day together," he decided.

She nodded and let go of him. "You know what else I think?" she asked. "I think, given how much stuff you already have here and the amount of time you spend in my flat, maybe you should just move in."

"I seem to recall you having a thousand and one reasons why that's not a good idea when I suggested it," he reminded her.

Hermione grinned. "True, but now it's my idea so pf course it's perfect" she remarked. "So, what do you say? Roommates?"



 Hello my lovelies, I'm back as promised. Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and comment to let me know what you think.



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